Hearing this, Yuezhu was shocked and blurted out: "This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible, senior, if you don't believe it, you can ask Senior Ruan, he can testify." Leng Xuan's voice just fell, when he heard Ruan Lang's voice coming in from outside: "He is right, The Nine Yin Thunder Fire is indeed on him." Yue Zhu was stunned, then frowned, "Why didn't you say it earlier?" Leng Xuan smiled and said, "I'm going to say it earlier, aren't those benefits gone?"

Yuezhu snorted, "Sure enough, what kind of patriarch, and what kind of disciple he brought out." Ruan Lang blew his beard and said, "Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, everything is ready now, Quickly remove the ghost fire from his body, the seal I set won't be suppressed for long." Hearing him mentioning the business, Yuezhu immediately put away the look on his face and said, "Summon your flame and see."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan's mind moved, and the Chiwu Sword suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air. Immediately afterwards, I saw a dark purple flame overflowing from the sword. In an instant, the temperature in the bamboo house rose straight up, as if being baked by the sun, it was extremely hot. Feeling the flames gushing from the Chiwu Sword, Yuezhu nodded with satisfaction, "The intensity of the flames is enough." After a pause, she asked, "Is this the Nine Yin Thunder Fire?"

   "Yes." Leng Xuan nodded, "But this is not all the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, just a small part of it." Since Chiwu Sword swallowed the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, Chi Wu has not responded. It was not until they returned from the Tianhuo Palace that Chiwu's consciousness gradually recovered. He learned from Chiwu that although the Nine Yin Thunder Fire had been swallowed up, the power of the Nine Yin Thunder Fire was far beyond what he could digest. At present, he can only control one-tenth of the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, if there are more, the Nine Yin Thunder Fire will be out of control. Unless he completely assimilates the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, otherwise, he can't use too much at one time.

   However, this is not a big problem for Leng Xuan, as long as he can activate a part of the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, it is enough to fight the ghost fire on him. Listening to Yue Zhu's explanation, Leng Xuan sat cross-legged, then stretched out his right hand and held it up in the air. Afterwards, he passed Chiwu, controlled a small stream of Nine Yin Thunder Fire, broke away from the Chiwu Sword, and slowly penetrated into the skin of his right hand. As the Nine Yin Thunder Fire submerged, the right hand immediately burst out with a blood-red light, as if resisting the Nine Yin Thunder Fire's entry. However, Nine Yin Thunder Fire is different from other flames. As the king of fire, the power of Jiuyin Thunder Fire must even retreat from ghosts and fires.

   After a while, Leng Xuan's right hand gradually turned from blood red to a faint dark purple. The two colors are mixed with each other, which is very strange. With the injection of the Nine Yin Thunder Fire, the blood-red color in the right hand became significantly weaker, and it seemed to be suppressed by the Nine Yin Thunder Fire. At this moment, Yue Zhu walked in front of him, carefully scrutinized the changes in his right hand, and said, "Similar to what I expected, the ghost fire has been suppressed by the nine yin thunder fire, and then it's up to you. Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood what she meant. He took a deep breath, and then controlled the Chiwu Sword through his mind.

   I saw a flash of sword light, and the sharp blade slashed from his right shoulder shoulder-to-shoulder.

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