"You will tell Mo Ya later, I agree to their conditions, but not now, I will talk about it in a while. If he wants to ask the reason, you can tell him that I haven't refined medicine pills for many years. Take a good look at what you have learned before. If he insists on setting a time limit, you can say at least ten years, less than ten years without talking." Leng Xuan nodded: "Yes, senior, I understand."

"Is he so cheerful?" When Leng Xuan told Mo Ya of Ruan Lang's decision, Mo Ya was obviously a little surprised, "This doesn't look like his character." Leng Xuan said, "Senior, I have already brought it to you, no I know what your opinion is."

"No problem." Mo Ya said, "Just as he said, within ten years." After returning to his residence, Leng Xuan told Mo Ya's answer to Ruan Lang, the latter smiled and said, "Okay, Now that it's over, we should go back."

Outside the Tianhuo Palace, when he learned that the two of them were leaving, Mo Ya personally sent them out, "Junior brother, if you have time in the future, come back and have a look." Ruan Lang snorted coldly, "Come back? Those old guys are all one by one. If you don't like me, why should I block them. Besides, you have too many rules in the Heavenly Fire Palace, and you are not comfortable at all." Mo Ya sighed, "It's up to you, but don't forget the ten-year appointment. "Speaking, he took out a token from his arms and handed it to Leng Xuan's hand. Leng Xuan took the token and said strangely: "What is this?" Ruan Lang glanced at the token and said, "This is the Blood Yang Order, pour your blood into it, and they can use the secret method to detect your presence at any time. where."

   "Don't mind, this is just in case." Mo Ya said, "If ten years later, he has not fulfilled the treaty we made, then we will have to find you and retrieve the Nine Yin Thunder Fire."

  Leng Xuan suddenly realized that this thing was used to monitor him. Seeing that Ruan Lang didn't say anything, Leng Xuan obediently poured his own blood into it.

After Mo Ya confirmed it, Ruan Lang suddenly said, "Within ten years, I will refine a Hongling Divine Pill for Tianhuo Palace. However, within these ten years, if this kid has an accident, Or die, then I have no choice. In the past ten years, I will not be by his side every day. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, the Holy Snow Sect, the Candle Dragon Temple, the Sanxian Temple, and the There is the Tongyang faction, the big and small forces in Xianyu are looking for this kid, wanting to take his life. Therefore, I do not guarantee that I can protect him. Therefore, during this period of time, if there is any accident, Don't blame me."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Ya's face darkened immediately, "Why didn't you tell us before?" Ruan Lang said indifferently: "You never asked me. Anyway, within ten years, he is going to die. The Spiritual Pill is gone."

   Until this moment, Leng Xuan didn't understand. It turned out that Ruan Lang proposed a ten-year agreement to protect himself with the help of the power of the Tianhuo Palace. Seeing Mo Ya's ashen face, he almost didn't laugh out loud.

   "Junior Brother, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Your change is beyond my expectations. I never thought that you would be so rascal." Mo Ya shook his head with a look of helplessness on his face. "Didn't you say it before, time will change a person." Ruan Lang said, "Don't forget the agreement between us. Boy, let's go." After the words were finished, he reached out and grabbed Leng Xuan, a flash of light, the two of them Then he disappeared outside the Tianhuo Palace.

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