Since the space channel was closed, he has lost all news about the foreign cultivation world, so he really wants to know what the exotic cultivation world has become today. Entering Qingyan City, to Leng Xuan's surprise, the city was full of people coming and going, a scene of prosperity, in stark contrast to the original defeat. Really don't know what's going on here?

   Turning his eyes, he saw many disciples wearing Yaoyuan Palace costumes in the crowd. However, what surprised him was that people did not seem to reject the people from Yaoyuan Palace, as if they had become accustomed to their existence. In some parts of Qingyan City, many buildings are under reconstruction. And most of the people who built those buildings were from Yaoyuan Palace. Seeing this, Leng Xuan suddenly understood. Being able to allow people to coexist peacefully with the people of Yaoyuan Palace shows that Yaoyuan Palace has successfully occupied the foreign cultivation world and has become the only ruler. Only in this way can we explain what we see in front of us.

   "I don't know what happened to Senior Foluo and the others." He secretly said in his heart. At the beginning, the four major forces were all transferred to the cultivators, and only Fu Luo stayed behind to fight against the Yaoyuan Palace.

   Wandering around Qingyan City for a while, Leng Xuan didn't stay any longer, so he continued on his way. Along the way, he saw many cities, and the conditions of these cities and Qingyan City were similar. Not only that, he also met many disciples of Yaoyuan Palace on the way. Looking at the group of Yaoyuan Palace disciples approaching, Leng Xuan suddenly realized that among those people, he seemed to see a familiar face. "It's him? No way..." Although he felt that the other party was a little familiar, but the other party was wearing Yaoyuan Palace's clothes, which made him hesitate a little, not sure if he recognized the person. After thinking about it, he couldn't help but shout, "City Lord Liu."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the man in the crowd immediately turned around and fixed his gaze on him. Looking at each other, Leng Xuan was sure that he was not mistaken. The other party was indeed Liu Qianhong, the younger brother of Liu Zhengxiong, the master of Yuming Palace. When they left the foreign cultivation world, Liu Qianhong was just caught by Yaoyuan Palace. Due to limited time, they were unable to rescue him and left him to fend for himself. He always thought that Liu Qianhong was in an accident, but he didn't expect to see him again. It's just that the Yao Yuan Palace costume that the other party is wearing made him feel a strange feeling in his heart. Could it be that he has already taken refuge in the Yaoyuan Palace? However, the look in his eyes from the other party didn't seem to be hostile, which made him feel a little relieved.

  Liu Qianhong reached out and summoned a disciple of the Yaoyuan Palace, and after a few words in his ear, he approached Leng Xuanchi. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be the leader of the group of Yaoyuan Palace disciples.

   "Leng Xuan?" When he got closer, Liu Qianhong looked at Leng Xuan with a tone of uncertainty. Leng Xuan smiled and replied, "It's me, City Lord Liu, long time no see."

   "It's really you? I thought I was dazzled. But, you...why are you here? Hasn't the space passage been destroyed, how did you get here?"

   "It's a long story, and I was sent here inexplicably." Leng Xuan said, "City Lord Liu, you..." He looked at the other party's clothes and didn't know how to ask. Seeing the tangled look on his face, Liu Qianhong immediately understood and smiled bitterly: "I am now a member of Yaoyuan Palace."

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