Seeing the rapidly approaching blood snake, the middle-aged man's face was no longer bloody, only pale. At this moment, he even gave up the chance to make a move, and directly tore the space, wanting to return to the Immortal Realm. However, the blood snake seemed to have penetrated his mind, and the speed of the forward charge immediately increased. When half of the middle-aged man's body disappeared in mid-air, the blood snake had already rushed in front of him, biting the other half of his body and dragging him out of the torn space. "Don't...I..." At this time, the middle-aged man no longer had the demeanor he had just now, and he was as embarrassed as a lost dog.

   Facing that hideous blood snake, he didn't even have the courage to take action, but kept begging for mercy, begging the blood snake to spare him. Such a huge change made everyone in Feixian Valley stunned, looking at the middle-aged man with a dull expression, their minds went blank. They couldn't figure out how a real immortal was begging for mercy from a half immortal. If they hadn't seen such a thing with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it at all.

   The blood snake seemed to have never heard of the middle-aged man's plea. "Kill him!" At this time, Leng Xuan, who had been silent for a while, finally spoke up. Hearing his voice, the blood snake immediately opened its **** mouth and swallowed the middle-aged man. Then, with a flash of blood, the blood snake disappeared from everyone's sight. When the smoke disappeared, everyone's eyes were focused on Leng Xuan. No one would have thought that Leng Xuan would actually reverse the mortal situation. Moreover, he not only reversed the situation, but also killed an immortal. Such courage and strength shocked everyone.

   At this moment, with the disappearance of the blood snake, the blood red color on Leng Xuan's body began to fade away. It didn't take long for his body to return to its original shape. Feeling the tranquility around him, Leng Xuan slowly turned his head and turned his attention to You Ziming and Ye Yang not far away. Facing those icy eyes, You Ziming and Ye Yang swallowed their saliva in unison, and their bodies involuntarily stepped back. A person who has the strength to kill immortals is definitely not something they can offend.

  Although Leng Xuan didn't speak, but under his gaze, the two of them felt cold all over their bodies, as if their throats were blocked, and they couldn't even speak. At almost the same time, You Ziming and Ye Yang turned around and ran away from Feixiangu. As soon as the two of them left, the remaining disciples of the Holy Snow Sect and the Candle Dragon Sect immediately dispersed, not daring to stay in Feixiangu. Looking at the two men and horses that were leaving, Leng Xuan tilted his body and fell to the ground.

  I don't know how long it took, when Leng Xuan woke up again, he found himself lying in the room he used to live in Feixiangu. He struggled to sit up and checked his body. He was surprised to find that he had no other problems except for excessive physical exertion. At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and Shi Weitian walked in from the outside. Seeing that Leng Xuan had woken up, there was finally a smile on his face.

"You kid finally woke up." Leng Xuan turned his head, his consciousness was a little confused, he woke up after a while, blinked and said, "Senior Shi, how long have I been in a coma?" Shi Weitian said: "It's been two days, how do you feel? So, are you alright?"

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