With the sound of his chanting, the short stick covered with purple light began to gradually grow larger. But in the blink of an eye, the short rod has already stretched to dozens of meters, and the volume is very huge.

  When the short rod becomes thicker, the runes on the surface become clearer. Moreover, there are three big characters engraved on it, Thunder Punishment Staff. "Get up!" Yuan Chengfang raised her hands high, and the surface of the Thunder Punishment Staff immediately showed a series of electric lights.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw that the Thunder Punishment Staff suddenly rushed forward without any warning. With a strong and terrifying momentum, it directly hit the barrier outside the Feixian Valley. For a while, only a loud 'bang' was heard, and even the ground trembled slightly. Under the strike of the Thunder Punishment Staff, the barrier outside the Flying Immortal Valley immediately became dim, as if it might be destroyed at any time.

   Seeing the performance of the Thunder Punishment Staff, Song Qi'an in the valley finally frowned, "Is that... a pseudo-immortal weapon?"

"Pseudo-immortal artifact?" Zhao Yan's expression changed, and she said in surprise, "How is it possible, how could the Holy Snow Sect have a pseudo-immortal artifact?" Song Qi'an said solemnly, "How do I know, but it is indeed a pseudo-immortal artifact, Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a powerful destructive power. It seems that the Holy Snow Sect is prepared this time. Duer, you go to the secret cave immediately, no matter what happens outside, you are not allowed to come out."

   "No." Zhao Yan shook her head and said, "Fei Xiangu is in trouble, how can I leave everyone alone and live alone." Song Qianan said angrily: "It is better to live alone than to be killed all, hurry up."

   "No!" Zhao Yan's attitude was firm, "Master, don't forget, I'm just like you now, and I'm in the spiritual realm. As long as the two of us join forces, we might be able to save everyone's lives."

   "You... ah, well, since you want to stay, it's up to you." Seeing his apprentice's resolute expression, Song Yanan sighed softly and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade. As Zhao Yan said, she is also a strong spiritual realm now, if she is there, maybe there will be more hope. At this time, outside the Feixian Valley, Yuan Chengfang urged the Thunder Punishment Staff to attack the barrier again.

   After seeing the power of the Thunder Punishment Staff, Ye Yang's eyes couldn't help narrowing, and a cold light surged in his eyes. This time, when he went to Immortal Realm, only his Torch Dragon Sect suffered the heaviest losses, and the two elders were all killed. Especially the death of Wan Qianhe made his heart hurt even more. In the candle dragon sect, Wanqianhe is second only to him. For a long time, the candle dragon faction and the holy snow faction have maintained a balance. But now, with the death of Wanqianhe and the pseudo-immortal artifact possessed by the Holy Snow faction, this balance has been broken. Therefore, for the Leng Xuan who killed Wan Qianhe, he hated very much in his heart.

   "Bang!" With a loud noise, the barrier outside Feixian Valley finally burst. "Go in with me." Yuan Chengfang said loudly.

   Watching more than two hundred half-immortals rush in from the entrance of Feixian Valley, Song Qi'an's face became extremely solemn. "Dare to deceive me in Feixian Valley, all the disciples obey orders, and anyone who enters the valley will be killed!"

   "Yes!" Behind Song Qian'an, more than 100 Feixiangu disciples responded loudly.

   Two hundred versus one hundred, the disparity in the battle has already decided the outcome of this battle. However, at this moment, Song Qi'an had no intention to care about this, he was facing Yuan Chengfang who was holding the Thunder Punishment Staff.

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