Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 7986: Hide in Shengxue's Nest 3

Shi Weitian smiled mysteriously, "At that time, many people didn't understand the reason. The Temple of the Spiritual Protection obviously had the opportunity to join forces with the Holy Snow Sect to solve the Candle Dragon Sect, but they chose to quit at a critical moment. The people of the Snow Sect were alone and had no choice but to withdraw the army. Later, someone studied the loss of the Candle Dragon Sect of the Holy Snow Sect and found a very interesting thing." Leng Xuan asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

   "After this battle, the advantages of the Torch Dragon faction have disappeared, almost the same as the strength of the Holy Snow faction. In this way, the two forces have once again maintained a balanced situation."

"You mean..." Leng Xuan suddenly realized, "The Temple of the Guardian joined the battle just to maintain the balance between the two forces?" Shi Weitian nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. Besides that, I can't find any more. for other reasons."

Leng Xuan didn't understand, "If the Temple of the Guardian wants to maintain this kind of order, why not just destroy the Candle Dragon faction and the Holy Snow faction. Wouldn't it be better without these two forces?" Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know. Maybe this situation is most beneficial to the Temple of the Guardian." After he finished speaking, he asked, "By the way, why are you asking this?"

Leng Xuan shook the incense burner in his hand, "This thing is too mysterious, I can't unravel it. As long as it stays with me for a day, the people from the Holy Snow School and the Candle Dragon School will not let us go. So I I think, if such a thing is handed over to a trusted, not powerful force, maybe it can divert the goals of the Holy Snow Sect and the Candle Dragon Sect. In this way, the two of us can regain our freedom.”

Hearing what he said, Shi Weitian couldn't help laughing, "Your idea is good, but do you know where to find the Hall of Protection? As I said before, the Hall of Protection is the most mysterious in the Half Immortal Domain. No one knows their whereabouts, let alone who are the members of the Guardian Hall. Therefore, this method will not work at all. In my opinion, we still stay here honestly and wait for this period of time. , the search efforts of the Holy Snow faction and the Candle Dragon faction should be reduced, and when that time comes, let's go out again." Leng Xuan nodded slightly, that's all there is to it right now.

  In the blink of an eye, it has been two days since I came to this cave. Every day, Shiweitian would go out alone to inquire about news. On this day, Shiweitian went out and has not returned, Leng Xuan sat alone in the cave, thinking secretly. It has been a long time since he came here from the realm of self-cultivation. When he came to the half-immortal realm, it was because of the mysterious white light in his body. But now, the mysterious white light didn't listen to him at all. No matter how he tried, the white light didn't respond. "Is it going to stay here in the future?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing.

   After half a day, Leng Xuan stood up, walked outside the cave, and looked around. Shiweitian has been out for so long, but he hasn't come back yet, which makes him a little worried. At this moment, Shiweitian came from mid-air and landed at the entrance of the cave.

   "Go, go in and talk." Shi Weitian said with a sullen face, and after saying a word, he walked directly into the cave. After Leng Xuan followed up the cave, he only listened to Shi Weitian and said solemnly: "Something happened, something happened to Feixiangu. I overheard from the disciples of the Saint Snow Sect in the past, the Saint Snow Sect and Candle Dragon Sect couldn't find it because they couldn't find it. Come to us, all of them will go up to Feixiangu to ask for someone."

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