After listening to it, Longtou said helplessly: "That boy Hu Feng deserves to suffer, who let him be so brave to go to a cultivator. Boy, do you want to save that guy? If that's the case, then you are here. Don't be rude when it's time, have a better attitude, admit a mistake and say something nice, maybe the other party will give you that guy Hu Feng because you are a comrade."

  Leng Xuan replied: "Okay, I'll try it out." After hanging up the phone, he immediately drove towards the courtyard where Lan Yiren lived. After more than ten minutes' journey, he finally arrived at his destination. The car was fine, Leng Xuan walked directly to the gate of the courtyard. Looking at the closed door, he took a deep breath, then walked up slowly, reached out and gently knocked on the door, only to hear a bang. After a while, I only heard a cold female voice from the door: "Who?"

Leng Xuan smiled and said: "Hello, I'm here to find Lan Yiren." However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the woman over the door say: "There is no Lan Yiren here, you are looking for the wrong place, go elsewhere. Go find it." Hearing the other party's refusal, Leng Xuan couldn't help but let out a wry smile. Immediately, he turned his mouth and said, "Everyone is a fellow cultivator. You are visiting Xiate today. Are you going to shut me out?" As soon as he said these words, there was no sound. Leng Xuan couldn't help scratching his head, but the other party didn't respond at all, which made him a little confused. He looked at the door, hesitating whether to force his way in and rescue Hu Feng.

   However, just when he was about to take action, the door suddenly opened slowly, and in front of Leng Xuan, Lan Yiren's beautiful face immediately appeared. And behind Lan Yiren, there were also five women in white. Although the women were empty-handed, they all had a delicate and small hilt around their waist. Leng Xuan greeted with a smile: "Miss Lan, have we met again?" When Lan Yiren saw Leng Xuan, her expression was obviously stunned, and she said in surprise, "Why are you?"

Leng Xuan smiled and said: "Why can't it be me? Does Miss Lan think I can't be a cultivator?" Lan Yiren shook his head and said, "You misunderstood, I just wonder why you are a cultivator since you are a cultivator. Hang out with that guy." Leng Xuan laughed and said: "He is a friend of mine in the world." At this point, he paused, and then said, "Miss Lan, do you want to be at this door? Will you accept me? Or am I not qualified to enter this gate?"

"Sorry." Lan Yiren said quickly: "I was surprised just now, so I forgot to invite you in. Please come in. In fact, we have not been here for many years, and you are the first in the past few decades." Leng Xuan Wenyan couldn't help laughing and said, "Then I'm really honored." Under the leadership of Lan Yiren, Leng Xuan came to a lobby. Immediately after he was seated, a woman in white brought a cup of tea and placed it in front of him. At this time, I only heard Lan Yiren ask: "How did you know that I am a cultivator? I didn't seem to have any flaws that night."

Leng Xuan said with a smile: "I didn't find it at first, but after you left, I found that the sofa you sat on was all wet. Then I recalled that you were fine after drinking so much alcohol, it must have been all the wine. It turned into sweat and drained out. I doubted your identity at the beginning, and then I quietly followed you shortly after you left, only to find that you jumped up and disappeared into the sky in an instant, I was certain You, like me, are also a cultivator."

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