At this moment, after hearing Leng Xuan's words, Mr. Su frowned slightly. He couldn't accept Leng Xuan's arrogance. In his opinion, Leng Xuan was just a person with courage and no eyesight. In fact, he also sent people to investigate Leng Xuan these past few days, and knew that he had served in a secret army in the army before. Besides, he also knew that Leng Xuan had humiliated the Wei family in the capital recently. But, apart from these, he didn't understand the rest. If he knew about the personal connections that Leng Xuan had, he probably wouldn't have such an idea. He put down the teacup in his hand and said lightly: "I'm getting old, and I'm tired after talking. Leng Xuan, sit down slowly, I'll go to rest first." After speaking, accompanied by two special guards, he got up and walked out. small living room.

After the old man Su left, Su Zhenggang smiled bitterly: "Leng Xuan, what you said just now makes my old man seem a little dissatisfied. Don't take it offense, after all, my old man doesn't know you well, and I have gotten along with you so much. For a long time, I know your ability."

Leng Xuan smiled and said, "Master Su's reaction is normal. No one will easily believe what a young man with no background says." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw two people walking into the living room. , it is Su Yurou's parents, Su Guangzhong and Gong Yunmei. To them, Leng Xuan still maintained due courtesy, he stood up and greeted with a smile: "Uncle Su, Aunt Gong, how are you." I saw Su Guangzhong laughed and said: "Leng Xuan, you are here, sit down. Well, you're welcome."

After a few people were seated, Su Guangzhong said, "Leng Xuan, I've been missing for a while, I should have invited you to my house for dinner, but I've been too busy these days. I went to visit others, I will have lunch at noon later, and I have to go out in the afternoon."

  Leng Xuan said with a smile: "Uncle Su is doing a big business, so it's natural to have a lot of entertainment." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw another person walking into the living room. Leng Xuan had seen him and knew that he was Su Fangtian, Su Yurou's eldest brother, so he greeted him with a smile. It's just that Su Fangtian's attitude was a little indifferent, he just nodded lightly, then turned to Su Guangzhong and said, "Dad, Lian Yuntao and his father are here. We just arrived at the door, should we go meet him?"

Su Guangzhong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Even the old man is here? Let's go, let's meet together." After speaking, he said apologetically to Leng Xuan: "Leng Xuan, sit down for a while, an old friend is here, I'm going to greet you, I won't greet you for now." Leng Xuan nodded with a smile: "It's okay, Uncle Su is just busy, just have Brother Su to accompany me." Su Guangzhong stood up and walked out of the living room with Gong Yunmei. After walking, but after taking two steps, Gong Yunmei saw that Su Yurou was still sitting beside Leng Xuan and didn't move, so she couldn't help but say, "Yurou, what are you still doing sitting there, come with us to meet you. You even come here once uncle, don't do it. Disrespectful."

   Hearing this, Su Yurou pouted, and reluctantly got up and followed out. After they left, Leng Xuan looked at Su Yurou's back, then smiled and asked, "Big Brother Su, who is that Lian? It seems that he has a good relationship with your Su family."

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