Li Mengjie asked: "Xueji, what happened, tell me."

Ling Xuejiu sighed and immediately said, "Grandpa's friend brought a girl to our house to celebrate the New Year together tonight. Leng Xuan knows that girl, and their relationship seems to be very unusual. I feel like they are like lovers. You don't know, whenever Leng Xuan looked at that girl, his eyes became very gentle, as if he was looking at the woman he loved. However, when I asked him earlier, he just told me He said that it was just one of his comrades in arms, and he wouldn't say more about the rest. But I feel that in his heart, there seem to be a lot of things hidden about that girl."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Mengjie immediately asked on the phone, "Xuejie, is that girl pretty?" Ling Xuejie replied, "A very pretty girl, her name is Ye Zi, she is no worse than you and me." After saying this, there was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and after a while, Li Mengjie slowly said, "Xuejie, do you remember one time we went to the Junlin Hotel for dinner? At that time, I made a joke with the bodyguard Leng. , and it is for this reason that I found the eyes of Leng Da's bodyguard at that time so sad, as if there was an unforgettable love in his heart. However, he didn't want to say more, and I didn't ask more. Anyway, , I can feel the pain in his heart. You said, could that girl named Ye Zi be the one loved by the bodyguard Leng?"

   "I...don't know." Ling Xuejiu said uncertainly. In fact, in her heart, she was already somewhat convinced, but she didn't want to admit it. A trace of fear and worry began to rise in her heart. Li Mengjie suddenly said with a smile, "Xuejie, are you nervous now?"

   "Nervous?" Ling Xuejiu was stunned, and he answered hesitantly, "I...what am I nervous, why am I so nervous?"

Li Mengjie laughed on the phone and said: "Xuejie, you still don't admit it, as soon as you heard that Leng Xuan might have a beloved girl, your tone changed, which shows that you have always liked Leng's bodyguard in your heart. Don't worry, Xue Ji, we are good sisters, I will definitely help you to take Leng Xuan over. Besides, I personally think that although Leng Xuan and that girl may have been lovers in the past, that has already become a thing of the past. There is a chance. Come on, be more courageous, don't be afraid, I will support you."

Ling Xuejie spat softly and said: "You are talking nonsense again." Li Mengjie quickly replied: "I'm not talking nonsense, if you don't seize the opportunity, don't regret it later. By the way, Xuejie, What are the two of them doing now?" Ling Xuejiu said in a sullen voice, "The two of them just went to the rooftop, so I don't know what they are doing."


   On the rooftop, Leng Xuan stood side by side with Ye Ye on the edge of the balcony, looking into the distance. I only heard Ye Ye say with a smile: "Leng Xuan, thank you very much today."

  Leng Xuan smiled and said, "Thank me for what? I don't seem to have done anything worthy of your gratitude. Besides, do we need to say thank you?"

Ye Zi shook his head and said: "Since my parents died, my brother and I joined the army one after another. In the army, because we often have to go out on missions, we can't get together every year during the New Year. Today, you make me feel the long absence again. The warmth of my home, that's why I want to thank you."

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