Feeling Ling Xuejiu's delicate skin, Leng Xuan's heart couldn't help swaying, one hand stayed on Ling Xuejiu's waist for a long time, and he forgot to let go.

When Ling Xuejiu found that Leng Xuan had no intention of moving his hand away, he couldn't help blushing, and said softly like a mosquito: "I...I'm fine, you...you can let go." Hearing this, Leng Xuan replied. When she came to her senses, she quickly released her hand from her waist. He coughed and said embarrassedly: "Well, remember to be careful, you go to the club first, I'll come over later." After that, he turned and walked into another locker room.

   As soon as he walked into the locker room, Leng Xuan immediately took a breath and calmed down his turbulent mood. He shook his head and smiled bitterly, sighing inwardly, the charm of this eldest lady is indeed extraordinary. After taking off his clothes and putting on a pair of big pants, Leng Xuan left the locker room and walked to the hot spring pool. I saw Ling Xuejiu soaking in the hot spring at the moment, with his eyes closed comfortably, and his expression seemed to be enjoying himself. Leng Xuan smiled and stepped into the water. The fluctuation of the hot spring water immediately startled Ling Xuejiu. She opened her eyes and saw Leng Xuan's upper body, her face turned red again. And unconsciously pressed his body down, exposing only one head on the water.

  Leng Xuan soaked in the hot spring water and felt it secretly. He found that the hot spring water no longer contained that weak spiritual power. Since he took away the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasures, these hot spring waters have also returned to normal and no longer have peculiar effects. He took the tea set by the pool, boiled the water with a small stove, put the tea leaves prepared by the hot spring club, brewed two cups, and then handed a cup to Ling Xuejiu, saying, "Come and try, the tea leaves here. Not bad, it is said to have beauty and beauty effects."

  Ling Xuejiu stretched out his hand to take the teacup, blew the tea leaves floating on the tea surface, and slowly tasted it. After that, the two of them drank tea cup after cup without saying anything. In this atmosphere, Leng Xuan didn't know how to speak. After getting along for so long, he had never been alone with Ling Xuejiu, so he hadn't gotten used to it for a while. Coupled with the behavior of helping Ling Xuejiu just now, he was even more embarrassed and didn't know what to say. The same is true for Ling Xuejiu, the shy look on his face never faded.

   went on like this for a while, Leng Xuan finally couldn't help breaking the silence and said, "After the new year, there are still a few months before the college entrance examination. Have you thought about which school to apply for?"

Ling Xuejiu nodded and said, "I'm going to apply for Jinghua University. The overall level of this university ranks first in the country. Besides, Jinghua University is in the capital. If I go to school there, I can spend more time with my grandfather in the future." After she finished speaking, she paused and continued: "Xiao Jie, like me, is going to apply for this school. Her family is already in the capital, so it's more convenient. Leng Xuan, will you come to the capital with us? ?" When she asked this sentence, her eyes were a little expectant.

   "This..." Faced with this question, Leng Xuan couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. To be honest, Old Master Ling's biggest rival Luo Tianzheng was already dead, so now Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie are not in any danger anymore. Because of this, Leng Xuan has no need to stay to protect them.

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