[Correct answer... Option B!]

Really choose B!

At this moment, Zhao Guangyi burst into tears, eager to look up to the sky and howl.

Although Li Haotian's answer is basically the correct answer, during this period of time, Li Haotian's answer to the question correctly has conquered everyone.

But the correct answer was not announced in the live broadcast room, and Zhao Guangyi did not dare to relax for a moment.

What if!

What if Li Haotian chose the wrong one this time?!

And now, the correct answer is revealed, and Zhao Guangyi can finally put his heart in his stomach.

"Hmph! Li Haotian is it!"

"You wait for this king! This king now understands the correct way to answer the question!"

"One day, this king will surpass you!"

Zhao Guangyi's eyes were gloomy and he glanced at Li Haotian.

He will never allow his limelight to be stolen by others!

At this moment, "297" in the live broadcast room, the originally stagnant picture, started to play again.

[By chance, Zhang Wuji learned of the conspiracy of Zhu Jiuling and others, his face changed, he was grief-stricken, and he wanted to prepare to escape, but Zhu Jiuling and others chased after him. 】

[Until Zhang Wuji escaped to a cliff, there was no way in front, and the pursuers behind him were on the right! At this moment, Zhang Wuji accidentally fell under the cliff. 】

[Zhu Jiuling finally learned the news of the golden lion king Xie Xun, how could he give up, and immediately caught Zhang Wuji... As a result, both fell off a cliff. 】

[But fortunately, the two finally fell on a platform in Kunlun Mountain. 】

[Because of his thin body, Zhang Wuji passed through a narrow cave on the platform and entered a paradise. 】

[But Zhu Jiuling's body skeleton was too big to pass through the cave, so he could only be trapped outside. 】

[In this paradise, Zhang Wuji accidentally saved a white ape, and then obtained the complete Jiuyang magic skill from the white ape. 】

[In five years, Zhang Wuji practiced Jiuyang Divine Skill, and finally became a great accomplishment and expelled all the cold poisons. 】

At this point, the picture in the video is frozen again.

At the same time, after seeing the scene in the video, almost all the warriors were going crazy, and they flocked to the Heaven and Dragon Slayer World and rushed to Kunlun Mountain.

As long as you find the cliff where Zhang Wuji fell, but go down, pass through the narrow cave, and find a white ape, you can get the Jiuyang Divine Skill?! Hahaha!]

[Zhu Wu Lianhuan Zhuang Zhu Changling: Hahaha! It turns out that Jiuyang Shengong is hidden here!hahaha!]

[Heavenly Eagle Sect White-eyed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng: Zhu Wu Lianhuanzhuang, right?!You wait for the old man! The old man wants to avenge my grandson! And Zhu Jiuzhen, from now on, you will become my grandson's concubine or slave. 】

[Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan faction: Jiuyang divine skill, supreme divine skill! Huashan faction gentleman Jian Yue Buqun, senior brother Yue, do you want to be together?!]


All of a sudden, martial artists who were interested in divine skills became excited.

After all, this is a Jiuyang Divine Skill, what martial artist can refuse?!

Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang.

Zhu Changling naturally saw Yin Tianzheng's threat, but he didn't care, as long as he found the Jiuyang Divine Skill, after practicing the Divine Skill, it was just Yin Tianzheng, what was there to fear?!

It's just that narrow cave... It's really not easy to get into.

But they can't get in, but Zhu Jiuzhen, Wu Qingying and Wei Bi can.

After all, they are only in their teens now, and their bodies are not yet fully open.

Without further ado, Zhu Changling found his good brother Wu Lie and immediately took action.

in the live broadcast room.

[The seventh answer, Zhao and Xiaolongnu answered the question incorrectly!]

[The random rewards are as follows:]

[Zhao Min: I'm Zhao Min! I'm a fool! I'm smart! Shout ten times! If you don't have missing arms or legs, you can steal the fun!]


In the live broadcast room, this is to... Heartbreaker?!

Deliberate!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It's definitely intentional!

Seeing this punishment, Zhao Min was directly stunned.

He wondered if the so-called random punishment was really random.

Otherwise, how can you be so good, you just pretend to be smart and think that this seventh question is a scoring question, and the punishment becomes this?!

Zhao Min wanted to resist, but the live broadcast room would not give her this opportunity at all.

The light shrouded Zhao Min, and Zhao Min couldn't resist at all, so he shouted loudly.

"I'm Zhao Min! I'm a fool! I'm smart!"

"I'm Zhao Min! I'm a fool! I'm smart!"

"I'm Zhao Min! I'm a fool! I'm smart!"


A full ten sounds, resounding in the live broadcast room, spreading throughout the heavens and worlds.....

After shouting, Zhao Min's face turned pale, feeling that he was dead again, so he hurriedly covered his face.


"You are a fool, you are clever!"

"No matter how much you cover your face, you can't change the fact that you are a fool and you think you are smart!"


Zhao Guangyi unceremoniously mocked loudly.

"Hey, hey!"

Zhang Wuji also covered his mouth, but his shoulders were moving, and he obviously endured it very hard.

[Little Dragon Girl: Drop a hair! This...... Is this random punishment really random punishment?!]

Miscellaneous...... What the?!

Random punishment is dropping a hair?!

Zhao Min was stunned again, she looked at her random punishment, and then at Xiaolongnu's random punishment, and began to doubt her own life.


Zhao Guangyi didn't scream in shock, this kind of random punishment... Can it be called punishment?!

"Sister Xiaolong's luck... Good!"

"She can't be the illegitimate daughter of the live broadcast room, right?!"

Zhang Wuji's small face was full of seriousness.

Li Haotian was also shocked, indeed shocked, he didn't expect that Xiaolongnu's punishment would be to drop a hair?!

The light enveloped the little dragon girl, and a hair fell out, and then disappeared in the void.

[Four eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng: What's the situation?! Could it be really 3.7 As Zhang Wuji said, she is the illegitimate daughter of the live broadcast room, right? ]

[Huang Rong, Peach Blossom Island in the East China Sea: Hey! There is such a random punishment, it's really an eye-opener!

[Sun and Moon God Sect Ren Yingying: This... Is there really such a random punishment in this live broadcast room?!]


After seeing the random punishment of the little dragon girl, everyone was not calm.

Especially after hearing Zhang Wuji's words, everyone began to wonder if Xiaolongnu was the illegitimate daughter in the live broadcast room.

After all, the random rewards of the little dragon girl are too good, and the random punishments are too light.

When everyone was talking, random rewards for Zhao Guangyi, Zhang Wuji, and Li Haotian also began to be distributed.

[The seventh answer, Zhao Guangyi, Zhang Wuji, and Li Haotian answered correctly!]

[The random rewards are as follows:].

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