[A. All the major sects and strong people in the world want to know Xie Xun's whereabouts, even the Heavenly Eagle Sect can't stop the strong people! Only Wudang Zhang Zhen can shelter them! Therefore, Yin Susu endured humiliation for the sake of his son and stayed in Wudang. 】

[B, there is revenge! There is revenge! Wuji, my mother is sorry for you. Yin Susu left Zhang Wuji in Wudang and handed it over to Zhang Zhenren to raise!He went down the mountain alone, ready to avenge Zhang Cuishan!】

[C, Yin Susu knew that his cultivation was limited and he was powerless to fight against the major powerhouses, so he pinned the idea of revenge on Zhang Wuji. Let Zhang Wuji grow up, and have enough strength to take revenge. 】

[D, Yin Susu committed suicide and martyrdom in desperation, and told Zhang Wuji to be careful of being deceived by women when he grows up, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people!]

[The fourth question starts to time, there is a reward for correct answers, and a penalty for wrong answers!]

Yin Susu... What will be done?!


Seeing this question, Zhao Min and Zhao Guangyi fell into contemplation "280", even Zhang Wuji and Yin Susu's son.

There is also the little dragon girl, who is also a little confused and hesitant at the moment.

Only Li Haotian was very calm, and he didn't rush to answer the question, but took out a snack very leisurely.

"I'm a little hungry, so let's eat some first. "

Li Haotian's expression was full of comfort.

But the others don't have the confidence of Li Haotian.

"These four options... Obviously, now the world's powerhouses want to know Xie Xun's whereabouts, so as to find the Dragon Slaying Treasure Knife. "

"Therefore, it is impossible for Yin Susu to leave Wudang with Zhang Wuji, at least not for a period of time! Once he leaves, Zhang Wuji and even Yin Susu will inevitably have an accident!"

"So, option B is excluded, and Yin Susu goes down the mountain... It's just looking for death! With Yin Susu's cleverness, he shouldn't be able to act like this. "

"Item A, for the sake of my son, endure humiliation and bear the burden, stay in Wudang, this... Possibly! Leave it for now. "

"Look at option C... told Zhang Wuji to take revenge again when he has the strength, it seems... It's very likely!"

"Last option, option D... What the hell?!Tell Zhang Wuji not to believe the words of a beautiful woman?!"

"It's... What and what?!"

"At this glance, option D is not right!"

"No, no, no, no stupid person would choose option D, would they?!"

Zhao Min saw option D, didn't think about it, sneered, and ruled it out as soon as possible, and his eyes mainly fell on options A and C.

"Then we have to look at the difference between option A and option C. "

"The difference between these two options, option A is for Yin Susu to endure humiliation and stay in Wudang, while option C is for Zhang Wuji to take revenge. "

"It's... In any case, Yin Susu is Zhang Cuishan's wife, and staying in Wudang Mountain is not a burden of endurance and humiliation, right?!"

"As for Zhang Wuji's revenge, his husband and son's father are dead, don't you have to take revenge? Not to mention that he is a person in the rivers and lakes, who pays attention to revenge and revenge, and repays kindness... In this way, this question... Pick C!"

"Besides, Yin Susu is... The witches of the Aquila Sect are decisive in killing, but there is no indecision on the part of decent people. "

After some consideration, under all these things, Zhao Min finally made a choice and chose option C.

"It's... What of the four options to choose?!"

Zhao Guangyi was very worried, extremely worried, because he had answered the question incorrectly three times in a row.

This is the fourth time I've answered the question, so I can't be wrong, right?!

Somehow...... That's the last question!

"Option D... What the hell is this?!It's not reliable at first glance!"

Zhao Guangyi first looked at the four options and directly excluded option D.

No matter how you look at it, Yin Susu can't commit suicide!

She is a witch of the Aquila Sect, her husband is dead, and her son is only about ten years old, if she really commits suicide, what will Zhang Wuji do?!

He's still a kid!

What's more, Yin Susu is a person in the rivers and lakes and has the title of a witch, so her heart should be more determined than that of ordinary women!"

"Therefore, it is impossible for Yin Susu to commit suicide!"

"Option A, option B, option C... If you want to take revenge, normally speaking, Yin Susu definitely wants Zhang Wuji to take revenge!"

Zhao Guangyi frowned, but soon his eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

"Of course!

"But now, there is one more important thing than revenge, that is, let Zhang Wuji grow up safe and sound!" (Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yes, what could be more important than the safety of his son?!

Revenge will definitely be revenge, but people are dead, and those who are alive now are more important!

"Among the three options A.B and C, only option B is the most suitable!"

"Give Zhang Wuji to Zhang Zhenren to raise, with Zhang Zhenren's strength, it will not be a problem to shelter Zhang Wuji!"

"And this revenge must not be given up... So Yin Susu went to take revenge alone... Wouldn't that be perfect!"

Zhao Guangyi thought about it carefully and felt that such an idea was very reasonable, it couldn't be more reasonable.....

"This time... You can't go wrong again, can you?!"

"This option B... No matter how you look at it, it's very reasonable, it's the best of both worlds!"

With a nervous mentality, Zhao Guangyi finally chose option B.

Although he was very positive about option B, he had no confidence at all when he thought that the previous three answers were all wrong.

"Next, my mother will... How?!"

"Option D?! No way! My mother can't kill herself!

Zhang Wuji also looked at the four options, and saw that his mother-in-law Yin Susu would commit suicide, and he didn't want to believe it at all.

"And, no matter what, my mother will definitely take revenge! At least until revenge, my mother will definitely not commit suicide!"

Zhang Wuji hesitated and hesitated, and finally chose option B.

After all, he knew that his father had a very deep relationship with his mother, so he felt that it was very possible for his mother to avenge his father.

The little dragon girl hesitated for a moment, and finally chose option B as well.

Because among these four options, it is obvious that option B can take into account the protection of Zhang Wuji and the revenge of Zhang Cuishan.

After everyone made a decision, Li Haotian also quickly made a choice, he did not hesitate, and directly chose option D.

As someone who sees everything from God's point of view, does this still need to be asked?!

"It's... How is it possible to choose D?!"

"No, no, no! There are really stupid options... D?!"

"Option D?! Suicide?!"

Zhao 3.0 Guangyi, Zhao Min, Zhang Wuji, saw Li Haotian's choice, their eyes widened, and they felt incredible.

Even the little dragon girl couldn't help frowning and looked at Li Haotian tightly.

Because, in their minds, option D was ruled out at the first time.

Outcome...... Li Haotian actually chose option D.

This really surprised them and they didn't want to believe it.

The question of not wanting to believe is very simple, because Li Haotian never misses the answer.

Therefore, to some extent, Li Haotian's answer is the correct answer.

This...... There's nothing wrong with it.

And now, Li Haotian has chosen option D, doesn't that mean that the option is the correct answer?!

Just when everyone was confused and unwilling to believe, the fourth question was over.

In the live broadcast room, the correct answer began to be announced.

[Question 4, Correct answer choice...].

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