In the Island of Fire and Ice.

Facing Zhang Cuishan's questioning, Yin Susu nodded directly and admitted, "That's right! It's me!"

"Back then, it was I who used a mosquito needle to sneak attack Yu Daxia and took away the dragon slaying knife. "

"It was also me who entrusted the Longmen Dart Bureau to escort Yu Daxia back to Wudang, but what I didn't expect was that the Longmen Dart Bureau turned out... So much so that Yu Daxia was paralyzed and became a cripple. "

Things have come to this point, and Yin Susu has no reason to hide it anymore.

In fact, she wanted to find Zhang Cuishan to tell her about the things of the year, but every time the words came to her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

Yin Susu herself didn't expect that she would live on a desert island with Zhang Cuishan, become husband and wife, and give birth to Zhang Wuji. "213" Although he did not kill Yu Daiyan at that time, he spent a lot of money and entrusted the Longmen Dart Bureau to send Yu Daiyan back to Wudang... It can be said that Yin Susu actually has a clear conscience in his heart.

But anyway, Yu Daiyan was deposed because of her... This is also true.

"You! You... Why?!"

"Why is this happening?!"

Zhang Cuishan roared, his expression twitching, and he was overwhelmed with grief.

One is a wife who has been on a desert island with him for ten years.

One is his beloved brother.

"One person does things, one person does it!"

Looking at Zhang Cuishan's painful and distorted expression, Yin Susu seemed to have thought of these things a long time ago, calmly took out the long sword, handed it over, and said.

"You and I have been married for ten years, so I can die without regrets!"

"You kill me with one sword, just to fulfill the righteousness of the Seven Heroes of Wudang!"

Zhang Cuishan's eyes were red, he looked at Yin Susu fixedly, unconsciously took the long sword in his hand, and pointed at Yin Susu tremblingly.

"You... You..."

"I... I..."

But this sword, Zhang Cuishan couldn't do anything.

Although the reason why Yu Daiyan was deposed was Yin Susu, although Yin Susu had concealed himself for more than ten years, although... But after all, this is his wife, a wife who gave birth to children for herself!

Zhang Cuishan can't do it anyway.

But if you don't do it and don't kill Yin Susu... How can he, Zhang Cuishan, be worthy of Yu Daiyan?!

How can he be worthy of Wudang?!

How can he be worthy of his master?!


At this moment, the voice of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun came, "I also understand all of your affairs. "

"Su Su didn't do something right, but her heart is good!"

"It's just that no one thought that it would be... Something happened!"

"It's no wonder that Su Su is no wonder!"

"Moreover, you have to think about Mowgli!"

"Once you get your hands on it... What would Mowgli think?!"

As soon as Xie Xun's words came out, Zhang Cuishan was stunned, yes, what about Mowgli? !

If you kill Su Su by yourself, Wuji's father, kill Wuji's mother... What would Mowgli think of such a move?!

Will Mowgli go crazy?!

Thinking of this, Zhang Cuishan's heart gradually made a decision, "Susu, you and I are husband and wife, and for Wuji, your debts, I will pay them for you!"

When Yin Susu heard this, he was not surprised, but frowned, staring at Zhang Cuishan and said, "Fifth brother, you... What does this mean?!"

"What do you want to do?!"

Vaguely, Yin Susu seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face became even deeper. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Zhang Cuishan didn't answer, pulled the topic away, looked at the live broadcast room, and suddenly shouted, "It's not good!


Yin Susu was stunned for a moment, and couldn't care about the topic just now, and hurriedly looked at the live broadcast room, "Once you answer the wrong question, you will be randomly punished in the live broadcast room, and I don't know what kind of punishment Wuji will receive?!"


Yin Susu prayed silently in his heart.....

Xie Xun, the golden lion king, also looked at the live broadcast room, and his expression couldn't help revealing a trace of worry.

[End of the second question, correct answer: Option A!]

The sound fell, and the originally frozen picture continued to play.

Zhang Cuishan, who knew the truth, was dissatisfied with Yin Susu's concealment of him, and also dissatisfied with Yin Susu's attack on Yu Daiyan, so that Yu Daiyan eventually became crippled... But Zhang Cuishan still didn't kill Yin Susu after all.

Coupled with the matter of his brother-in-law Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, for a while, Zhang Cuishan had already had the will to die.

He came to Zhang Sanfeng's face, begged Zhang Sanfeng to help him rescue Zhang Wuji, and then said to all the major sects that all things would be borne by him Zhang Cuishan, and then killed himself.

At this point, the picture is frozen in Zhang Cuisan's self-confession.

"Really choose... A!"

Zhao Min smiled lightly, smiling at his wit.

"Question 2... 4.6...Wrong answer again?!"

Zhao Guangyi was numb, I thought that this time I should answer correctly, but I still didn't expect that there would be a wrong answer?!

"No... Maybe?!"

"It can't be! How could it be?!How could it be self-apologizing?!"

"Obviously, my father... I didn't do anything wrong!"

Zhang Wuji was about to cry, he never thought that in the near future, his father would apologize for his crimes? !

At the same time, in Wudang Mountain, the head Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang Six Heroes also saw the scene in the live broadcast room.

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