[Zhang Wuji: Jiuyang Divine Skill (Inheritance of Heaven and Man): Boy! This is your destined divine skill, practice hard! Chong Duck!]

Jiuyang Divine Skill?!

Inheritance of Heaven and Man?!

As soon as the random reward came out, everyone was in an uproar!

It's not that I'm shocked by this celestial inheritance, after all, the previous live broadcast answering questions has already appeared in the celestial inheritance.

was shocked that Zhang Wuji had obtained the inheritance of heaven and man for the first time.

What's more important is the remarks at the back, what is the destined miracle?!

As soon as these words came out, they couldn't help but make a lot of people think about it.


At this moment, Zhang Wuji only felt that he was shaken by a terrifying aura, and in his mind, the Nine Great Rounds of the Great Sun slowly emerged, exuding a warm and blazing light.

But in the next moment, the nine rounds of the great sun disappeared without a trace, and in Zhang Wuji's mind, there was an extra mantra and mysteries.

Subconsciously, Zhang Wuji didn't think about anything, so he started to run according to the mantra and mysteries.

Boom! Boom!

The acquired realm, broken!

Innate realm, broken!

The realm of the grandmaster, broken!

The realm of the Great Grandmaster, broken!

In an instant, a coercion came from between heaven and earth, and the vision rushed into the sky, with the rotation of the great sun and the nine suns!

Soon, the vision disappeared, and Zhang Wuji became a martial artist in the realm of heaven and man!

In the Island of Fire and Ice.

"Mowgli! Mowgli... He actually became a master of the Heavenly and Human Realm?!"

"It's... This cultivation is higher than that of 14!"


Seeing Zhang Wuji become a martial artist in the realm of heaven and man, Zhang Cuishan, Yin Susu, and Xie Xun couldn't help but be speechless, glanced at each other, and smiled bitterly.

Compared with Zhang Wuji, they all feel that they have practiced to dogs.

After decades of cultivation, he was defeated by Zhang Wuji's adventure?!

Simply so!

"If I had such an adventure as a Mowgli child, maybe... Hey!"

Seeing Zhang Wuji, Xie Xun couldn't help but think of his own son Xie Wuji.

If he can be like Zhang Wuji, when his master Cheng Kun made a move, he would be able to kill Cheng Kun directly!

Myself, and my whole family, will not... It's so miserable!

On Wudang Mountain.

"Heaven and Man Realm?!"


"Mowgli children are really blessed!"


A group of Wudang disciples couldn't help but be elated when they saw Zhang Wuji's random reward.

"Whew... What?!Heaven and Man?!"


Song Qingshu naturally saw this scene, and when he saw that Zhang Wuji had become a master of the Heavenly and Human Realm, his face was directly distorted.

"Why?!Why was he selected by the live broadcast room?!"

"Why can he get the question right?!Why can he get a random reward?!"

"Why can he become a master of the Heavenly and Human Realm?!"


Song Qingshu is unwilling!

Jealousy distorted his face.

"Hey, it's a celestial... Although the celestial man is nothing, at least he is stronger than me..."

Jin King Zhao Guangyi's eyes moved slightly.

He is the king of the Great Song and Jin Dynasty, and there are many strong people under his command, and sometimes even Jin Dan warriors can drive him.

But his own strength is somewhat, but it is only a half-step great master realm.

And his eldest brother, Zhao Kuangyin, is a veritable peak martial artist in the Jindan Realm!

Of course, this is before!

And now, maybe he has become a master of the Yuan Shen Realm!

Of course, Zhao Guangyi is not sure, which is also the reason why he has not acted for a long time.

"If it is... If only I can answer the questions correctly, get a reward, and become a master of the Yuan Shen Realm!"

"That Zhao Kuangyin... What else do I have to worry about?!"

"The Great Song Dynasty... Zhao Kuangyin can sit down, can't I Zhao Guangyi sit still?!"

When Zhao Guangyi, the king of Jin, thought of this, his expression was solemn, and he became more serious than ever.

Before, it was for the sake of his own life and face, but now... Let him see a glimmer of hope!

"Heaven and man!"

"I want to too..."

This situation can make Zhao Min envious, and he looks at Zhang Wuji with a blank eye. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She actually loves martial arts, but her own qualifications are limited, and she is knowledgeable but not refined, if it weren't for the countless masters of Ruyang Palace, and the resources are sufficient, Zhao Min would not have stepped into the innate realm, the highest is just the acquired realm.

As for the Grandmaster Realm, the Great Grandmaster Realm... The realm of the Grandmaster is okay, if the resources are sufficient, Zhao Min still has some hope.

The realm of the Great Grandmaster, it's very difficult, it's very difficult...

As for the realm of heaven and man above it, then don't think about it.

After all, the way of martial arts, the further you go, the more you look at your understanding and qualifications.

And now, with the appearance of the live broadcast room, Zhao Min has hope.

[Zhao Min: Immortal Heavenly Divine Skill (Heavenly Divine Power!Jindan Realm Martial Arts!): All things have spirits, you can obtain supreme divine power from "Heaven"!Girl, come on duck!]

"Whew... It's... Jindan Realm Martial Arts?!"


Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, and then he was so excited that he was almost speechless.

No matter how she thought about it, she never thought that she would get a Jindan Realm martial art.

Moreover, the Immortal Heavenly Divine Skill... As soon as I heard this name, it was very suitable for me.


At this moment, the Immortal Heavenly Divine Skill (Heavenly Divine Power) and countless mysteries all entered Zhao Min's mind.

Innate realm, broken!

The realm of the grandmaster, broken!

The realm of the Great Grandmaster!

Soon, Zhao Min broke through two realms in a row and directly became a great grandmaster, and he was the pinnacle of the great grandmaster!

If it weren't for her average comprehension and qualifications, I am afraid that this time she would be able to directly enter the peak of the Heavenly and Human Realm!

But now, it's not bad, as long as Zhao Min cultivates diligently, the realm of heaven and man will soon be able to break through!

Ruyang Palace.

"Shhh Great Grandmaster?!"

Wang Baobao gasped and suddenly thought of something.

In this way, wouldn't Min Min be almost the same as herself, and even higher than her own cultivation.

"Yes! Minmin!"

Ruyang King Chahan Temur also nodded, his eyes were very satisfied, but soon, his face suddenly became serious, "It's just that this Immortal Heavenly Divine Skill... I'm afraid..."

Prime Minister's Office.

"Heavenly and Human Realm?!Immortal Heavenly Divine Skill?!Jindan Realm Martial Arts?!"

"It's so funny!"

The prime minister has also been paying attention to the live broadcast room, especially after Zhao Min was selected.

"Duo'er, I heard that you like Zhao Min, the daughter of Ruyang Palace?!"

The prime minister took off his gaze and turned 293 times and looked at the stupid son on the side.

"What if you like it?!Anyway, you don't agree..."

Duo'er only rolled her eyes, a little helpless.

"I agreed!"

At that moment, Tokhtar interrupted Do'er's words.

"Whew... What?!"

Duo'er was stunned for a moment, as if she hadn't heard.

"I said... I agreed!"

"Go, go and marry the daughter of the king of Ruyang!"

The prime minister took off and said lightly.

He had always been at odds with King Ruyang before, so he didn't want his son Duo'er to marry Zhao Min.

But now... The prime minister has changed his mind.


Duo'er was only stunned, until Totok spoke again, he finally made sure that Totok was not joking, but was telling the truth, and immediately overjoyed, yelled, and rushed out.

in the live broadcast room.

[Four eyebrows Lu Xiaofeng: Jin Dan Realm..... Martial arts?!Now even the martial arts of the Jindan Realm have appeared?!]

[The head of the Huashan faction, the gentleman Jian Yue Buqun: Hey! Jindan Realm martial arts!]

[Mingjiao Guangming Left Envoy Yang Xiao: This Zhao Min is the daughter of the King of Ruyang, but I didn't expect to get a piece of Jindan Realm martial arts!


In the live broadcast room, there were many discussions, some were excited, some were elated, and some were worried... And so on.

At the same time, in the live broadcast room, the random rewards continued.

After seeing the random reward of the little dragon girl, there was an uproar again in the live broadcast room, setting off an uproar.

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