914: Peach Blossom Tribulation

Zhang Liang also advised:

"Mom, I think Dad is right, why do you have to be the big boss.

"It's good to be able to be, but it's not necessarily bad not to be.

"I think I'll be very happy in this life, you think that my number is useless, I don't think so.

"I'm stupid and can't read well, but I met Hongying happily in high school."

"The happiest thing in my life is to be with Hongying, we can't make any money, but we have always been safe and happy.

"I have lived up to my father's expectations 02.

Zhang Jing screamed, she couldn't accept it:

"No, you are a waste, you are a worthless thing, when you get to the underworld, you will make your father unable to lift his head.

Ye Xuan said lightly:

"Your husband has long been in reincarnation and will not see Zhang Liang.

Zhang Jing covered her ears with her hands:

"Liar, you are all lying, I don't believe it!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan had no choice but to use the red dust mirror to show the future scene: "Zhang Jing, you are optimistic, what will happen if Zhang Liang goes outside to find a concubine and give birth to two children as you said.

In the red dust mirror.

Zhang Liang and Hongying compromise.

Zhang Liang went outside to find his wife.

The first woman Zhang Liang got was a factory girl in the factory.

This factory girl has long slandered Zhang Liang's body and seduced Zhang Liang several times, but she didn't succeed.

Now that Zhang Liang has taken the initiative, the factory girl will naturally not refuse.

The factory girl was hot, Zhang Liang was half-assisted, and the two soon established a relationship.

But when the factory girl knew that Zhang Liang did not agree to the divorce and only let her be a concubine, she was completely angry, even if Zhang Liang said she wanted to give her a house for nothing, she did not agree.

The second woman Zhang Liang got was a college student.

The female college student was chased by Zhang Liang with vigorous love. When Zhang Liang and her had a showdown, she did not object, but only said that Zhang Liang would give her a suite.

Zhang Liang thought that this time it was done, but who knew that as soon as the house was transferred, the female college student would sell the house and run away.

After two consecutive failures, Zhang Jing shot.

She found a simple girl from the countryside, and asked the girl to be Zhang Liang's concubine and have two children. In exchange, she paid for the girl's seriously ill father.

The girl did not live up to Zhang Jing's high hopes, and really agreed to this condition.

Just had an accident on the day of the wedding.

Zhang Liang was hit by a hearse on the way to welcome his relatives and died on the spot.

The Red Dust Mirror screen ends.

Ye Xuan said lightly: "This is what I said before, Zhang Liang has no luck, if he insists on asking him to find a concubine, the consequences will be very serious."

Of course, Ye Xuan didn't finish his words, he could do something to help without luck, but he didn't think it was necessary.

Zhang Jing's eyes were dizzy when she saw this.

Even if her son is a bad guy, his account number will be deleted?

Hongying looked at her husband with sympathy on her face.

Zhang Liang laughed dryly: "If there is no peach blossom luck, there will be no luck. Anyway, I only love you as a woman, and I will not change it for Liu Gong Fendai. 99



"It's not that there is no peach blossom luck, it's that there is a peach blossom calamity."

"The bridegroom was hit by a hearse and killed. This is the worst groom in history. 99

"It doesn't count.

"Could it be worse?"

"Yes, I was so excited when I put on makeup in the wedding room."


The barrage was silent line by line.

Netizens are very sympathetic to Zhang Liang, and thanks to Zhang Liang not messing around outside, otherwise he might have died early.

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