872: I won't ask for your money

The students in the scene were also divided into two factions of two different audiences:

"Classmates, you really can't agree to their request. 35

"It's not about money, it's about their poor character.

"If you have money, it's great. If you have money, you can force a woman casually. Do you still think it's ancient?"

"If you don't have some stinky money, and you don't earn it, what are you proud of?"

"Xuemei, I think you still have to think about it, because money is really hard to earn now.

"Hey, if you choose to agree, I think it's understandable. I asked the seniors who just graduated last year, and they said that the monthly salary after graduation is only 4,000-5,000. If you want to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, you will need 996. The monthly income of 10,000 yuan can't even save the house down payment."5

Qi Huantian made another big move:

"Xiaodie, otherwise, if you don't think it's good to be with us, we can give you 3 million per person, 9 million in total, forgive us if you take our money, and you don't have to marry us. .99

As soon as these words came out, many netizens changed their colors:

"This Qihuan is so naive, it's hard for Li Xiaodie to refuse like this."

"Yeah, as long as Li Xiaodie doesn't want to call the police, at most they can be fired. At most, they will be scolded by their father, and they can still be at ease in the future."

"If I were Li Xiaodie, I would agree, I took the money, I don't have to work anymore in this life, I can find someone I like and be happy with for a lifetime."

"Li Xiaodie should agree, maybe she didn't call the police before."

"It's over, Qi Huantian ate Li Xiaodie's character to the death."

"Is this wave going to let the bad guys escape the law?

The head teacher looked at Li Xiaodie, and he was very worried that Li Xiaodie would agree.

Ma Shi also looked at Li Xiaodie, to be honest, he didn't have a bad impression on Li Xiaodie, but he knew that he was a poor second generation, and Li Xiaodie was a little girl in the city, if he and Li Xiaodie Die together, can not give Li Xiaodie happiness.

Under the different eyes of everyone, Li Xiaodie said with a smile: "Qi Huantian, I said, if the three of you are still like this in the future, I will call the police."

She took out her mobile phone and called Yao Yao Zero.

Qi Huantian, Zhong Jianbai, and Fang Lixin said in unison, "Xiaodie! Don't!

"Xiaodie, that's 9 million, don't you know what 9 million is? 99

Li Xiaodie stopped temporarily and said, "I'm not stupid, of course I know. 99

"My parents have been working in the city all their lives, and now they are about to retire, and they don't even have a net worth of 900,000.

"9 million is a wealth that ordinary people can't reach in a lifetime.

Qi Huantian and the three were puzzled: "Then you still refuse.


"Don't you like Marcus? Marcus is so poor, you can give Marcus money."

Ma Shi's eyes tightened: "I don't want your money, I have no money to earn by myself.

The three of Qi Huantian laughed: "You have read too much chicken soup, right? The efforts of ordinary people are meaningless. If you can make a fortune by working hard, isn't everyone rich? Look at the people in your village for yourself. People, they work hard all their lives to make money, but are they rich in the end?"

Ma Shi's eyes are firm:

“I believe I can do it, and I don’t regret it if I can’t.39

"Besides, whether you want your money or not, it's not me but Xiaodie who makes the decision!"

Li Xiaodie looked at Ma Shi, smiling like a flower and said, "I won't ask for your money. 99 and

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