Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

862: You must have ulterior motives in helping the elderly

862: You must have ulterior motives in helping the elderly

When some viewers saw Ma Shi's words, they made a barrage of yin and yang:

"Che, to put it nicely, if you want me to see, he is just for the money. 35

"How can you not want money, Ma Shi is so poor, even a few thousand dollars is a lot of money for Ma Shi.

"That's right, how can you be so selfless, no one will help you if you don't see it?"

"Oh, if it's selfless, why didn't you run over immediately at the beginning, and then hesitated for a while? It must be analyzing whether helping this old man can make money."

Normal netizens:

"What nonsense are you talking about. 35

"Can this be black too? You are enough."

"Don't be ashamed, you are so powerful, why don't you help me?

"Is it wrong to hesitate?

"You are sick.

No matter how arguing the barrage is, the -screen continues.

After waiting for the ambulance to arrive, Ma Shi followed the old man and the little boy to the hospital.

Because the grandfather's son had not yet arrived, Ma Shi signed on behalf of his relatives.

Grandpa: "Young man, thank you so much. When my son comes, I will definitely thank you."5

Ma Shi shook his head: "Grandpa, don't do this, we young people should help the old people. 35

The old man had no choice but to give up after seeing Ma Shi's repeated refusal.

After a while, the grandfather's son arrived.

Hearing the grandpa's explanation, the old grandpa's son held Ma Shi's hand gratefully: "Young man, you are such a good person. 35

"The doctor said that if you didn't send my dad in time, my dad would have broken his leg. Please accept the 30,000 yuan."

Mars shook his head.

The grandfather's son: "I don't think your family is very good, so you can accept the money."

"30,000 yuan is a lot for ordinary people, but very little for me as a boss."

The little boy also advised: "Big brother, just accept it, you saved my grandfather, you are the benefactor of our whole family, if you don't accept the money, our whole family will feel uneasy in the future. 35

Seeing this, Ma Shi could only accept it: "Well then, I will donate the money to children in poor mountainous areas, so that they have the opportunity to study and go to university.

The old grandfather praised: "The money is yours if you give it to you, you can spend it wherever you want."

The old grandfather and son gave Ma Shi a higher look: "Young man, I am the boss of Mingde Company. Are you interested in coming to our company for a part-time job when you have time? You can come to work in our company after graduation."

0・・For flowers.....0

Ma Shi thought for a while and said, "I can try this, but I don't have work experience, so I might not be able to adapt to it at first.

The grandfather's son: "Who has experience from the beginning? I can send someone to teach you if you don't know, you can rest assured that the treatment of our company will definitely satisfy you.


Ma Shi smiled and thanked: "Then thank the boss."

Grandpa's son: "I want to thank you for saving my dad."

Some viewers in the live broadcast room got angry again when they saw this:

"Pretend, so deep, donate 30,000 yuan? Ghosts believe, this is to deceive the grandfather's family. 95

"It turned out to be like this, deliberately not accepting small money, and waiting for the other party to shout the money before accepting it."

"Mingde Company, it only recruits graduate students. This guy Ma Shi is really insidious. If you go in through relationships, he is not a good thing at first sight."

Zhong Jianbai and Qi Huantian were also jealous:

"Ma Shi must have known that the old man was the father of the owner of Mingde Company. He helped the old man for the sake of fame and fortune. His mind was extremely sinister." And.

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