860: Betrayal

Qi Huantian pressed Ma Shi:

“I often go to Huahua World Amusement Park. As far as I know, Huahua World Amusement Park is a very formal and large-scale enterprise. This entrepreneur does not hire temporary workers, and even the cleaners only recruit college students. 35

"You can't do a part-time job in it when you enter it, right?"

Ma Shi opened his mouth and admitted: "I'm not doing a part-time job there.

This time, everyone's eyes on Ma Shi changed.

If you don't work in Huahua World Amusement Park, what else can you do in it? If you don't play in it, can you still study and study in it?

Qi Huantian said with a smile: "Then you walk around inside and come out, just go in and open your eyes? I have never seen such a person inside.

Ma Shi smiled bitterly: "I went in there for something else."

Zhong Jianbai interjected: "What's the matter when you go in, you can tell me, it's not because you're playing in it and you're embarrassed to say it. 35

Ma Shi bit his lip: "I didn't play in it, what am I doing in it, I can't say 〃""


Everyone made a sound of disdain.

Many people scolded:

"Don't dare to admit it."

"If you recognize me, I'll take you for a bit of courage. You don't even dare to recognize that it's still a man."

"It's okay to be brave, we will forgive you if you make a mistake."

Qihuan Tianzhuang Generous:

"Ma Shi, we know that your family is poor. It's the first time you left the countryside to come to a big city, and it's the first time you know there is such a fun place as Huahua World Amusement Park. It's normal that you want to come in and play.

"Everyone is a human being, and it's understandable. As long as you reform, don't do this again. After you graduate, you can work and earn money by yourself, and then you can go there to play."

"But why don't you recognize it? The evidence is very clear in front of everyone's eyes. What are you doing if you don't bow your head?"

Ma Shi blushed: "I didn't play in it, why should I recognize it. My father taught me since I was a child that I would take responsibility for what I did, and I wouldn't recognize it if I didn't do it myself, even if I killed it. 95

All netizens:

"Mas is such a person? I am amazed. 35

"No way, is there a reversal, Master Ye?

"I still believe that Master Ye, Master Ye, show your red dust mirror.

Seeing this, Ma Shi's expression changed: "Master Ye, you can't."

His reaction attracted the attention of the students around him, and the sharp-eyed students saw it: "Look, he is broadcasting live."

"That's Master Ye! It's Master Ye's live broadcast.

"This kid is on Master Ye's live broadcast, and he is a good friend of Master Ye.

"Master Ye wants to use the Red Dust Mirror to reveal his past, but he doesn't agree."

"It's a problem if you don't agree.

"Damn, this kid is definitely wasting money in Huahua World Amusement Park."

It happened that the head teacher of Ma Shi was also eating in the cafeteria and was attracted by the excitement. At this time, he also walked over to Ma Shi and shook his head:

"Ma Shi, I know your family situation very well, and your state subsidy is also what I helped you apply for. 35

"(The Zhao) It's just that I didn't expect you to do such a waste of money. The hundreds of dollars that you spend at the World Amusement Park at one time is your parents' income from farming for a month. You take this money to Wouldn't it be nice for them to buy something to eat and drink?

What Ma Shi wanted to say: "The head teacher..."

The head teacher shook his head heavily and turned away from Ma Shi, completely disappointed with Ma Shi.

The Red Dust Mirror has not been broadcast yet, and Ma Shi has already betrayed his relatives.

At this time, the Red Dust Mirror screen started broadcasting.

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