853: Mice make soup base

Many netizens agree with Ye Xuan's anti-cheating alliance:

"The world has suffered without such an alliance for a long time.

"If Master Ye gets it out, I'll be the first to join it.

"Upstairs, you're late, I'm in front of you.

"I'll join now. You wait for Master Ye to get it out and join the ranks. There are already millions of people out there."

"If there is this software, I will not be slaughtered. "Zero Zero Seven""

Quan Honghong also agreed, but she was more concerned about what to do in front of her: "Master Ye, save me, as a poor student girl, I bought a bowl of screw soup for 10 yuan, which made my poor life even worse. This is how to do ah.""

Ye Xuan smiled lightly, and the red dust mirror in his hand played the screen:

The owner of the fufu shop is boiling water and making soup.

On the cutting board beside, there are the ingredients to be put into the soup one by one.

Netizens are curious:

"It's all seasoning packets, and the screws don't make any screw powder."

"Could it be that the soup of fufu is made like this?"

"I'm going, it's too fake, I still like to eat fusilli powder, and seeing this, I don't want to eat it in the future."

Some netizens selling screw powder objected:

"This is definitely not a normal fufu soup, I just sell fufu, and my vermicelli uses fresh ingredients, not only in soup, but also in every bowl of fufu.

"This is a black shop. I know that I sell fufu noodles. A few days after the store opened, someone came to the store and recommended the fufu food bag to me, saying that as long as you use it, you can make the fufu noodles soup delicious. It's also cheaper than making fufu soup, I don't agree with it but I know there must be peers who do it.

"You can't use a black shop to represent all screw shops.


"So it's like this, I have a lot of knowledge, and there are things like cooking bags.

"Damn it, I thought this black shop was so expensive to be healthy at least, but who knows, the ingredients in it are all black. 55

"If you think too much, if you can save a little cost for the black shop, you will save a little cost. On the contrary, he doesn't need repeat customers. If you kill one, you will be one."

"How did this kind of black shop survive because there are too many people in Xia?"

The picture in the red dust mirror continued.

After the shop owner put the cooking bag into the soup, he muttered:

"This cooking bag has some flavor, and the price is not expensive, but it still costs money. If you can save a little more cost, it will be 0.."

At this time, the shop owner saw a mouse in the kitchen stealing from the pot beside him.

He saw a mouse, and the mouse looked at him, not afraid of people at all.

The shop owner patted his head: "Yes, my shop is not well sanitized, there are often mice, and I often kill mice, why don't I put these killed mice into the soup?

"It is said that the rat meat soup tastes good, so you can save some money in the cooking bag."

"Yes, just do it.

After the shop owner finished speaking, he closed the door to fight mice.

After a few minutes of pot, the mouse was killed, and the store owner threw the mouse into the soup of fusilli powder.

After the soup was cooked, he used a spoon to put it in his mouth, hesitating for a long time, but it still didn't enter his mouth after 5.0.

"Forget it, I'd better wait for a customer to come, let the customer drink it, and ask the customer how it tastes.

The shopkeeper put the spoon back into the soup.

Netizens in the live room:

"Excessive! Let the mice die! 35

"These wild mice have bacteria and viruses on them!

"The cooking bag is only a few cents a pack, and you want to save even this money!"

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