Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

849: Don't go down, you'll be unlucky later

849: Don't go down, you'll be unlucky later

Quan Honghong frowned when she saw this, did this profiteer really use such an expensive hair dye for him?

The hairdresser also plausibly said at this time: "I see, our hair dyes are so expensive, we use big international brands, and the cost of dyeing hair is 3,500 yuan. You must give it to us, little girl, we will not lose money when we open a shop and do business. Argument. 35

Quan Honghong: "Then why didn't you get a receipt before?"

Barber: "I didn't pay attention to it and lost it, because no one has ever seen it, so I didn't pay attention."

At this time, the picture in the Hongchen mirror changed, and the barber scanned the code for the shop owner, and the voice prompt: 20 yuan has been received on WeChat.

The audience was quiet, and then there was laughter:


"Are you sure it's not 20,000?"


"Understood, it turned out that the actual payment was 20 yuan, and the receipt was written 20,000. 95

"Isn't this a fake account?

"If I go, I really know how to play. If Master Ye hadn't shot, the guy's ticket is still there, and he would have thought that his cost was 20,000.

"It's too busy these days, even profiteers make false accounts."

"The honest person gets 10,000 crit points."

"I almost thought this guy was a fool, but the clown turned out to be me."



The barber's face collapsed, and the matter still exposed Ye Xuan.

The policeman's face froze: "You come back to the police station with us!"9

Barber: "No! 35

Policeman: "No, no, no, and you, come back with us. 35

Only one barber was scared to death: "Police, it's none of my business. I didn't do the fake bills, and I didn't dye my hair. I just did business with him in the same shop."

Barber: "You betrayed me because I took you as a friend?"

Another barber: "If you are a friend, you can fight alone. I will run the barber shop outside and share the money with you when you come out."

Barber: "Fart, why don't you go in and I'm outside?

Another barber: "Because you dyed your hair!"

The police interrupted the conversation between the two impatiently: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, both of you, go back with us, you can talk to the police station if you have anything to say."

Two barbers: "No!

The police stopped talking and started arresting people, and the barber shop was also closed.

All netizens:

"If you catch it well, this kind of profiteer should be sentenced to ten or eight years in prison.

"Upstairs, their crimes will not be sentenced for so long.

"Why not, you think the two of them are the first slaughter? I don't believe it."

"Yeah, when the police take them back to the police station, these two people will definitely confess to other crimes, and they will be punished for several crimes, enough for them to drink a pot.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Quan Honghong thanked Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would have been ripped off by them for thousands of dollars, which is very important to me, a girl from a poor family. loss."5

Ye Xuan replied with a smile: "Actually, even without me, the police can solve this problem, but it may not be so smooth."

Quan Honghong will thank you again: "No matter what, thank you. I'll give you a reward when the matter is resolved, and I'll stop the broadcast, so as not to waste the audience's time."

Ye Xuan stops her: “Your business is not over. 35

All blushed and questioned.

Ye Xuan said seriously: "You have a black forehead, and you are a little unlucky today, so don't stop broadcasting, I will help you solve the problem at one time.

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