Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

847: At least 3500 yuan at the cost price

847: At least 3500 yuan at the cost price

Two barbers:

"It wasn't written on the brand, but she agreed to the price of 88 yuan in a region before dyeing her hair, and she agreed that it was the price of course.

Quanhong Hong retorted angrily:

"When did you tell me? Why can't I remember. Do you think I look like a rich man? If I knew that dyeing my hair was so expensive, I wouldn't dye it.

The police now basically know what happened.

The truth should be like what Quan Honghong said, two barbers cheated people.

It's just that the two barbers kept biting Quan Honghong and agreed to dye her hair at sky-high prices. It's not easy to find evidence for this.

Ye Xuan said at the right time: "Comrade police officer, you can leave this matter to me."

Several policemen only saw Ye Xuan at this time, and they were pleasantly surprised: "Master Ye? It would be great if you were here, take out your red dust mirror and restore the truth. 35

Ye Xuan nodded, and the Red Dust Mirror appeared and played the screen.

Two hours ago, Quan Honghong saw the price tag of the hair salon, and was attracted by the 88 yuan dyed hair into the store.

Two barbers were warmly received.

Quanhonghong asked if the price was 88 yuan, and the two barbers said in unison that the 88 yuan hair dyeing boy was a fool.

Only then did Quanhonghong agree to dye her hair.

After that, Quan Honghong washed, cut, and dyed her hair with the help of the two barbers. Until her hair was dyed, Quan Honghong did not say a word to the two barbers.

When the hair was dyed and scanned the code to pay, Quan Honghong said casually: "88 Oh.""

The two barbers suddenly changed their faces: "Girl, not 88.

"The hair dyeing fee is 88 yuan for a small area, and a total of 88 areas will be dyed for you, totaling 7744 yuan. You are a student and it is your first time here. I will give you a discount, and after the discount, it will be 6,000 yuan.

Quan Honghong was immediately stunned: "How come from 88 to 6000?"

Two barbers: "That's the price.

Quan Honghong was angry: "You are a black shop, and 88 agreed to charge me 6,000, and I will call the police. 35

Two barbers stopped Quan Honghong: "It's useless for you to call the police. The price is 6,000. If you don't settle the money, no one will let you leave."

The picture of the Red Dust Mirror ends here.

Quan Honghong was excited: "I just said I didn't agree with their price.

The police: "What else do you two barbers have to say?

0.・Ask for flowers.....0

The faces of the two barbers were ashen.

A barber has already accepted his fate, and another barber is stubborn: "It is impossible to charge only 88. Now there is no barber shop in the whole city that only charges 88 for dyeing hair, and the minimum charge is more than 150 yuan."5

Quan Honghong said coldly: "I still said that, this is your own business, you set the price yourself, I have no reason to pay more.


The police came to a conclusion: "Since the matter is clear, then settle the bill at 88 yuan for hair dyeing."

The unconvinced barber said: "No, the hair dyes in our store are imported high-end products. It costs 40 yuan to dye a small area for 88 yuan, and it costs 3,500 yuan to help her dye 88 areas, and only 88 yuan is charged. Yuan we also lost more than 3400 yuan.

"This loss is too great for us to bear. I ask her to give us at least the cost price of 3,500 yuan."

Netizens shouted:

"The cost of dyeing hair is 3500, bragging!

"What brand? Is there a purchase invoice, and is there any genuine authorization?"

"I opened a hair dye shop, and the entire shop cost only tens of dollars for dozens of bottles of hair dye..." And.

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