843: Profitable businessmen like clouds

"It's only 20 yuan, you call me a fart. I went to a small restaurant to eat a bowl of noodles, and the price was not listed on it. After eating, I was charged 100 yuan.."



Netizens who posted the barrage before:

"Damn, you can still play like this, now the profiteers have evolved.

Other netizens:

"The merchants in the Xia country are so dark. Fortunately, I have immigrated. I am now in a small island country. The merchants here never slaughter people, and the service is very warm and good.

"Heh, if you guys got along well abroad, how about coming here to talk yin and yang?

A netizen said:

"The poor always find reasons for their own poverty, I am different, I usually eat 5,000 yuan for a meal.

"Brother, what's the taste of thirty ice cream?"

Some netizens suggested:

"Your idea is right in the hands of the merchants, and the merchants are killing people like you.""

"One ice cream can eat the philosophy of life, and the money is not wasted.

"Master Ye, this kind of thing was not only encountered by him, but I was also slaughtered.

"I am in the United States, this 4.9 is a shopping paradise, and I have never been slaughtered."

"The big brother just now seems to have bought 30 yuan a piece of "990"... I have never eaten more than 5 yuan of ice cream in my life. If I buy it, it will be like being stabbed by an assassin.""

"Still too young."


"It's just a robbery, what can you do?"

"I thought a thirty-dollar ice cream could sing.

"It's all your girlfriend, she still doesn't know what kind of thing you are, what to pretend to be.

"Once I was so thirsty, I just grabbed a bottle of unseen drink from the freezer in the supermarket and opened the cap to drink it. When I checked out, I found out that it cost 20 yuan...

"That's a no-brainer."

"Yeah, if you earn 20,000 or even 100,000 a month, do you think a 100-yuan bowl is expensive?"

Enthusiastic netizens:

"Is there any knowledgeable brother who can tell me what an ice cream assassin means?"5

"Businesses are getting darker and darker now, and they have no integrity at all."

"I'm not with my girlfriend? If I don't pay, I'm afraid my girlfriend will call me stingy.

"It's better if she doesn't pay the bill, and see who she is."

"Why do I have to pay when I see it is so expensive? It's still not poor enough. If it were me, I would put the ice cream back when I saw it was expensive when I checked out."

"Everyone immigrated, why are you watching our Xia Guo live broadcast?"

"A name with a good image."

"Get out of here, you are not welcome here.

"What are you talking about, it's not because you are poor?"

"Shh, don't expose their psychology, others can't say it when they are bullied abroad. 39

Many sprayers find opportunities to spray:


"You think too much, if you're not a girlfriend, you can pretend, after all, you're a man and understand everything you're thinking.

Many netizens were furious:

"It's not delicious, but the bitterness of life.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I will never pay the bill next time.

"It is admirable to speak so clearly of your poverty. 99

"Upstairs, are you a teaser sent by the monkeys?"

"It refers to those ice creams that are inconspicuous and unmarked in the freezer, and are especially expensive when you pay for them. Buying them seems to be stabbed suddenly.

The netizen who posted the barrage before:

Curious netizens:

The netizen who posted the barrage before:

"That is, she won't break up with you whether you pay or not."

"Isn't this a robbery?"

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