Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

831: The scum fights each other, and both lose

831: The scum fights each other, and both lose

At this moment, the pictures on the screen of the mobile phone are the person in charge and the secretary.

The person in charge sat on the ground and pointed at the screen, while the secretary was beside him with a confused expression.

At this time, the person in charge moved, and the person on the screen moved.

"no no!"

"There is no surveillance in my office at all!"

"This is Ye Xuan, this is Master Ye's live broadcast room.""

The secretary was startled: "Master Ye!

Then he opened his mouth wide and looked at the screen in disbelief.

She has seen Master Ye's live broadcast room before, which specializes in punishing evil and promoting good, preaching justice, and punishing bad people.

At this moment, the picture in the 990 live broadcast room is me, how can I not understand, this is the secret of their loan, and they will be punished!

Remember what happened to the bad guys in the past.

The blood on the secretary's face faded, his face was as white as paper, and his lips were trembling.

With a "pop", he knelt on the ground.

Kneeling and walking forward, she threw herself in front of the camera of the mobile phone, her charming little face was full of tears, and she begged:

"Master Ye!""

"Master Ye! 35

"Everything he asked me to do, it has nothing to do with me!

"It was he who forced me, and I was a little girl, and there was no way (acej) to resist!

"You let me go and punish him, if you want evidence, I'll give it to you, I have the evidence!

The secretary said, pointing to the person in charge on the ground.

The person in charge was taken aback, jumped up and beat and scolded: "You white-eyed wolf, you have earned tens of millions from me over the years."5

"And now you're going to betray me? You left me with evidence?"

"Why are you leaving evidence, you already wanted to betray me, didn't you!

"You're crazy, Laozi beat you to death today!"

Saying that, he rushed forward, grabbed the secretary's hair and pulled it back, aiming at his face and arching left and right.

"Clap clap clap...

"Clap clap clap․.

"Clap clap clap...

After a dozen hits in a row, the secretary's face was instantly swollen like a pig's head.

Eyes of gold stars, swaying like he was about to faint, he blinked his eyes forcefully.

After reacting, he grabbed the person in charge's neck with his backhand, and his face was hideous.

"f*ck, how dare you hit me!

"I rejected you back then. You were the one who pulled me hard and said you wanted to make money with me."

"The old lady just agreed with you, now that you are going cold, can I still kick you? 35

"You scum, you dare to beat me, see if I don't strangle you."

The person in charge did not respond, his neck was strangled, his face instantly turned a pig's liver color, and his hands were tightly pinching the secretary's arms.

But at this moment, the secretary had already pinched his red eyes, and the person in charge struggled a few times, but he didn't break free.


Rolling his eyes, he shouted for help with great effort, but he was about to die.

Looking at the secretary's neck with blue veins bursting because of her exertion, her heart sank.

You meet people.

If you want to die, let's die together.

Thinking of this, he raised his head with all his strength, opened his mouth and bit on the secretary's carotid artery, directly biting off a large piece of meat.

The secretary didn't even shout, the carotid artery was bitten, and the blood kept flowing down, pouring into the mouth of the person in charge.

The person in charge had his neck pinched, and he couldn't breathe, but this time he couldn't breathe even more.

The blood poured back into the nose, into the mouth, stuck in the throat, and was soon choked to death by the blood.

After the person in charge died, the secretary clutched his neck and struggled twice before he died.

Just lay on the ground motionless.

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