Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

826: I'm decorating, what are you wearing?

826: I'm decorating, what are you wearing?

"Call your dean to me. I gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars back then."

As soon as he saw Director Yang, he shouted anxiously: "It's not good, it's not good.

Saying that, he held the phone and pointed it at Dr. Miao's face.


"He said that no matter what I did, I would be fished out.

Dr. Miao punched his leg and said with a bitter face: "Our cooperation with Duoduo Loan was discovered by the demon spirits, and now many demon spirits have come to arrest us.

Before Director Yang could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

He covered his head and panicked:

Ye Xuan laughed, "You'll know right away."

Director Yang slapped Dr. Miao's head with a slap: "Run run run, can you go to the runway?"

"Screaming what?"

Taking a few deep breaths, in the end, reason prevailed.

"what is this!"

Hastily answered the phone: "Crooked?"

"You need to compensate our hospital for damages and attack more than five million yuan.

"Otherwise Laozi...""

"He's so busy!"

"I'm the driver, have you figured out your position?"

"Could it be that what we did was discovered by you, Master Ye, and you asked Yao Yaoling to come here!"

"Sell me now?"

"Hurry up and tell him to come over!"

Ye Xuan nodded expressionlessly, not wanting to say a word to the other party.

"It's okay, it's okay. 35

Before waiting for the person on the other side to finish speaking, Director Yang widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief: "What are you talking about. 95

"What should we do, let's run away."

Director Yang was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Holding the phone tightly, I really wanted to smash it.

"My God, why are you here."

The person on the other side of the phone said solemnly: "Our dean is busy now and has no time to answer your call.

The next moment, the doom talisman ignited without fire, and quickly burned out.

"I'm the cafeteria aunt, are you begging?

Director Yang was still in a fit of anger, and when he saw the panicked Doctor Miao, he kicked him directly.

Just when Director Yang was still deceiving himself and comforting himself, Doctor Miao rushed in in a panic.

"I'm decorating, what are you wearing? 99

"I'm the courier boy, what are you?

"Show you what this is!

"Beep... beep beep...."

"To be a fugitive all your life?

"Hello, are you the director of the andrology department of the *** hospital, director Yang?"

"I'm the trash aunt of the magic capital, what kind of trash are you?"

At this moment, Ye Xuan was not idle either, turning his fingers slightly.

"Please compensate as soon as possible, otherwise we will take other measures... 99

"Master Ye!

"You call him here, and I will tell him personally!"

The audience followed Ye Xuan with non-stop ridicule.

Dr. Miao's side is already panicking, but Director Yang is still as stable as an old dog.

"But don't worry, if I get caught, I will definitely confess to you.

As soon as the voice fell, Director Yang's cell phone rang.

990 "What is this? 95

Before Director Yang could react, a cloud of black air rushed to his eyebrows.

"Yao Yaoling!" 35

"Why are you in such a hurry, why don't you calm down? 39

"The boss of Duoduo Loan is very powerful. 99

"I've already decided to turn myself in."

Looking at Ye Xuan and Yao Yaoling on the screen, Doctor Miao rolled his eyes and almost fainted:

"It has seriously affected the image of our hospital, and now our hospital has reported it to the relevant departments.

"After being reported, you used the name of my hospital to deceive patients and exaggerate their condition in order to obtain medical expenses.

"It's up to you to decide whether you want to turn yourself in or not."

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