Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

820: Other hearts are red, your heart is black

820: Other hearts are red, your heart is black

Director Yang's eyes were flustered, and he kept fluttering, and he said in his mouth: "What nonsense are you talking about..."

"I don't know, don't ask me.

Director Yang's hellish appearance, how can audiences who have experienced many battles and are old fritters not see it.

"I f*ck!"

"It has something to do with you!"

"f*ck, the master treats you so well, do you still have a conscience! 35

"md, I'm so pissed off, such a good master Xu, you actually do it, is your heart black?"

"Master Ye, what did Director Yang do?"

"Yes, what the hell is this bastard doing? Master Xu retired early."

After the scolding, the audience wondered what the hell Director Yang had done.

Because of the time, Ye Xuan did not take out the red dust beads to continue the water, but directly dictated.

"After Director Yang was fired again, it was all the fault of Master Xu.

"I think that if Master Xu hadn't pushed the male patient to him, he wouldn't have been entangled~||.

"I won't end up being expelled, and I also think that my academic qualifications are perfect and impossible to be discovered."

"Director Yang after returning home, the more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes."

"Hate starts from the heart, and evil grows toward courage.

‘At that time, it was decided to let Master Xu end up like him.

"Bought several patients to go to Master Xu to see a doctor.

"After reading it, I made a complaint and reported that Master Xu charged indiscriminately and exaggerated his condition."

"We also called in a lot of journalists and media to spread the word online.

“Many patients who don’t know the matter see the information being deliberately spread on the Internet and believe it.35

"I started to publicize it everywhere, and it was spread by ten, ten by one hundred, so many people said it, and the false statement became the truth. 39

"And the more it spreads, the more outrageous it is, even saying that Master Xu's doctor died because he had a good relationship with the dean and was suppressed.

“Master Xu was a highly respected local doctor before, and he could have retired with honor.35

"After this incident, Master Xu received advice from others every day he went out.

"Patients also united to complain to the hospital and did not want Master Xu to continue to appear in the hospital."

"Before, Master Xu couldn't get his daily number, but after this incident, no one went to see Master Xu for medical treatment.

"Every day, Master Xu's office is deserted. Several patients walk past the door and see Master Xu sitting inside, and they will scold a few words before leaving. 55

"In addition to the boycott of the patients, it was useless for Master Ren to explain, and the hospital was forced to retire early.

"`" But... it's not over yet. 99

"After retirement, the online media found their way and became more presumptuous.

"It is said that Master Xu is guilty of being a thief. If there is nothing, it is impossible for him to retire innocently. Retirement just confirms what Master Xu has done."

"This time, even if Master Xu has ten mouths, he can't explain it clearly."

"Every day I hide in the community and dare not go out (Nuo Zhaohao), and even the wife and daughter of Master Xu were implicated. 99

"Originally, my daughter is already engaged and is about to get married.

"Because of this incident, the man cancelled the marriage on the grounds that the girl's family had a bad reputation for having a stroke."

"The girl couldn't take the blow and tried to commit suicide several times."

"And Master Xu shuts himself at home every day, listening to abuse on the Internet, has mental problems, and fantasizes that he is still in the hospital every day. 99

"He's still helping people.

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