Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

806: Stay up for 2 days and ruin your life?

806: Stay up for two days and ruin your life?

Hearing this, Lin Tianxiang's heart froze for a while: "Director Yang, may I have made a mistake in the inspection, I will do another inspection.

"Didn't I say at the time, as long as I have the surgery, I'll be fine? 99

Director Yang shook his head: "There will be no problem with our inspection.

"Doing it again is a waste of time and money."

"Checking the above shows that it is indeed not good.

Hearing these words, the rest of Lin Tianxiang's heart also cooled down.

"What the hell is going on now, why isn't it okay...Aren't you lying!""

He was emotional, stood up, kept clapping his hands on the table, and made a "bang Bang Bang" sound.

Seeing this, Dr. Miao, who was next to him, hurriedly spoke to reassure him: "Tianxiang, don't worry about 973 first. 35

"There is definitely a reason for this. Let Director Yang help you to see what the reason is."

Then he turned to look at Director Yang:

"Director Yang, take a look at it again and see if something went wrong in the middle."

"This is the latest technology, and it is impossible to have such a poor effect. There is definitely a reason."

Director Yang raised the reading glasses on his face, stared at the report in his hand for a long time, finally raised his head, frowned and said:

"Lin Tianxiang, I ask you."

"Did you take a good rest, exercise well after you got home, eat less oil and less salt in all aspects of eating, and eat lightly?

As soon as these words came out, Lin Tianxiang was a little nervous, and said hesitantly:


"But there were a few times in the middle when I had to help my grandma clean up, so I stayed up for a few nights..."

"However, I slept a lot during the day and should make up for it.

"It's also because the food in the school's heavy oil and salt. 59

Director Yang put the report on the table, looked at Yang Tianxiang with a sigh and shook his head, with some blame in his eyes:

"Look, look, just because of that."

"If you stay up late at night, no amount of sleep during the day will make up for it.

"Now I sometimes see some fake popular science on the Internet, saying that staying up late at night in the Xia Kingdom is equivalent to the daytime in the Beautiful Country."5

"So as long as you get enough sleep during the day, you'll be fine."

"These are all bastards. Staying up late is staying up late, you can't make up for it (acej)!"

"You too, don't care about your body at all, do you know how much damage it can to your body to stay up late for a few days. 99

"And just after the operation, the damage is even greater, which is why your results are not ideal.

Listening to Director Yang's words, Lin Tianxiang suddenly slumped, lowered his head, and couldn't say a word.

After a while, he frowned and said, "Then Director Yang.

"What now? I can't have another operation.""

"That would cost a total of two hundred thousand."

Director Yang said helplessly: "The key now is not the 200,000 surgical fee. 99

"It's that your body is no longer suitable for doing it. A craniotomy, even if it is minimally invasive, is not a minor operation. 35

"He is a very big operation, and it takes a long time to prepare. You only did it once a month ago, and if you do it now, your body will not be able to bear it.

"Now even if you have money, you can't do it."

"Boom boom boom...

Lin Tianxiang felt a few muffled thunder strike his head, making him sit in his seat, his lips trembling, and after a while, he covered his face and cried bitterly, feeling extremely regretful in his heart.

In the end, Dr. Miao, who was next to him, couldn't stand it any longer, and looked at Director Yang and asked:

"Director, think of a way, he's still so young, he can't go on like this for the rest of his life."

Director Yang hesitated for a while and said, "This is not impossible."

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