Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

801: The expert you thought was actually not graduated from primary school

801: The expert you thought was actually not graduated from primary school

Saying that, his right hand stroked the red dust beads in his hand, and the next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

In the picture, Lin Tianxiang walked into the director's office with the inspection report.

Sitting at the desk was an old doctor in his fifties, with white hair and presbyopic glasses.

As soon as Dr. Miao saw Lin Tianxiang coming in, he quickly waved and shouted:

"Come, Tianxiang, here, sit here."

"I was talking to the director about your illness just now, and you just happened to be here. 35

"This is Director Yang."

Lin Tianxiang greeted nervously: "Hello, Director Yang."

Doctor Miao also looked at Director Yang, pointed at Lin Tianxiang and introduced: 973

"Director, this is Lin Tianxiang.

"It's the guy I just told you, and the androgen level is particularly low.

"It's the first time I've seen such a low level. I can't make up my mind, so I'll ask you to help me."

Director Yang raised the reading glasses on his face and showed an amiable smile at Lin Tianxiang, which relieved Lin Tianxiang's nervous mood a little.

"Give me the report first and I'll take a look.

"Okay, here you go."

After taking the report, Director Yang squinted and carefully looked at the inspection results above.

After watching it back and forth several times, Director Yang's face became more and more gloomy as time passed by.

Lin Tianxiang swallowed nervously, and a thin cold sweat broke out on his head.

I kept praying in my heart:



Must be fine!

However, God did not seem to hear his prayers.

Director Yang gently placed the report on the table, looked at Lin Tianxiang and sighed, and said slowly, "Young man, your illness is very serious. 35

In a word, it was like a dull thunder struck on top of Lin Tianxiang's head, causing him to be instantly stunned in place.

After a long time, he twitched his lips and said fumblingly: "This... Is there any cure for that..."

"It can't be cured..."

Doctor Miao also asked nervously beside him: "Director Yang, even you said it was serious, could it be true...

The following words were not spoken, and Lin Tianxiang's expression was full of sympathy.

"This can be cured, but it is troublesome. 35

Director Yang frowned and stared at the inspection report on the table before shaking his head after a while.

As soon as he heard that it could be cured, Lin Tianxiang's heart that had just fallen to the bottom of the valley flew up again, and he quickly grabbed Director Yang's hand.

"I'm not afraid of trouble, as long as it can be cured, I can do as much trouble as possible."

"Please, Director Yang, don't give up on me. 35

"Dr. Miao said before that many people like me have been cured, and this one can definitely be cured."5

Dr. Miao also responded:

"Yes, it can be cured before, and it can definitely be cured now."

"Director Yang, Tianxiang is only in his teens, and he is still very old. He can't carry this disease all his life."5

"You just think of a way, I believe he is definitely not too troublesome, and he will deal with any trouble.

"You said yes, Tianxiang.

Lin Tianxiang nodded heavily: "Yes, I can do it, as long as it can be cured, I won't find it troublesome. 99

Director Yang watched Lin Tianxiang for a long time before he nodded and said:

"You're only a teenager, you're still young, you really can't go on like this forever.

"I've been giving you your treatment plan just now."

"We now have a state-of-the-art technology that is specifically designed to treat your disease."

"You can try.

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