797: A life is only worth 200,000

Mrs. Lin paused and continued:

"His character is very strong, and every time I wanted to give up, Tianxiang encouraged me to persevere.

"He also promised me that he would lead me to live a good life, Tianxiang he is ~ impossible to commit suicide.

"Someone definitely killed him and put this suicide note on him! 99

"Moreover, the most important thing is that my grandson has no disease at all, and there is no possibility of going to the hospital, and it is impossible to owe medical expenses!"

"Master Ye, please give my son justice! 35

At this time, the inspector who had just brought in the suicide note pointed at the mobile phone in the old lady's hand with surprise.

"Master Ye, it's really you!"

"I really didn't expect to see you here, I'm your fan!"

Ye Xuan chuckled: "Thank you, it's up to you to explain to Mrs. Lin how likely it is that this suicide note is forged. 35

The inspector nodded, turned to look at Mrs. Lin, and pointed to the suicide note in the other's hand.

"Ms. Lin."

"After suspecting that the body is your grandson, we have contacted the teacher at his school and obtained his workbook."

"I also compared the handwriting on the workbook with the handwriting on the suicide note.

"The overlap rate is nearly 90 percent."

"It is highly unlikely that this suicide note was a forgery."

"Please face the reality and mourn.

Mrs. Lin had a bitter face and kept shaking her head: "I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

"My grandson has no disease at all, why is it unreasonable to talk about hundreds of thousands of treatment fees!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also very puzzled and asked Ye Xuan for answers.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan explained:

"Mrs Lin, your grandson is born with insufficiency and has a disease in that area."

"Because it's hard to tell, he never told you about this."

"Before going to college, only Lin Tianxiang knew this secret, and he had already made plans to die alone."

"However, in the freshman meeting of the freshman year, Lin Tianxiang fell in love with a girl at first sight, and the girl also liked him very much.

"The relationship between the two is heating up day by day, and they are about to pierce that layer of window paper.

"But because of his own health, Lin Tianxiang mustered up the courage to tell the girl the secret before confessing."

"As a result, the next day, the whole school knew that Lin Tianxiang had that kind of disease. 35

0.・Seeking flowers ......

Hearing this, without waiting for Ye Xuan to continue, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back:


"The speed of transmission!

"Good guy, Lin Tianxiang thought it was true love, but he didn't expect it to be a bitch."

"I can feel embarrassed through the screen. What good is it for her to spread this kind of thing? 35

"It's no good, it's just fun, and I annoy this kind of people the most when I'm reading.

Ye Xuan continued: "When Lin Tianxiang went to school the next day, he found that everyone was staring at his whispered discussion."

"When my former friends saw him, it was like seeing a virus, and they all avoided him.

"They obviously didn't do anything, but their probing eyes, the sound of discussion in their ears, and the remedies in the drawer, they seemed to have finished everything.

"During that time, Lin Tianxiang was depressed every day, and he didn't have a true friend by his side.

"Everyone looked at him with sympathy, disgust, or curiosity that was about to suffocate him. 35

"He didn't have a more self-inflicted illness than that time.

"So, he decided to find a way to cure this disease.

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