795: Your grandson is dead

"It's too bad."

"The hemp rope is only broken at the fine point, and bad luck only finds the poor."35

"First, my son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident, and now my grandson is also missing, which is really tragic.

"Master Ye, just help her.

"Yes, Master Ye hurry up, or Mrs. Lin really won't be able to live."

"Shoot +1."

"Shoot +2.'


Seeing Mrs. Lin's heart-breaking tears, the audience in the live broadcast room was also very anxious and asked Ye Xuan to take action.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan sighed and said slowly: "Mrs Lin, your grandson is now dead, in the river not far from your home. 99


"what's the situation!"

"what's going on?"

"Didn't you say missing? Why did you die?"

"Could it be that he was killed? Walking alone at night is very likely to be robbed.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Not only the audience, but Mrs. Lin also stared wide-eyed, froze in place, and said in disbelief:

"Master Ye...you're not kidding~||.

"My grandson can't have an accident!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and said, "I never joke, your grandson is indeed dead now. 35

"If you don't believe it, the demon spirit will call you soon and ask you to claim your grandson's body.

Mrs. Lin quickly took out her mobile phone and stared at the screen with a terrified expression, as if there were some vicious ghosts in the phone.

Sure enough, the next second, the bell of the landline at home rang.

Old lady Lin shuddered in shock, stood up forcibly, and threw herself against the table.

After taking a few deep breaths, he stabilized his trembling hand and slowly picked up the receiver.

"Hello, is this Mrs. Lin?

"You registered your grandson as missing before, and now we have found a body - kilometers away from your home."

"I suspect it is your grandson, please take the time to come and claim it.

Before Mrs. Lin could speak, the person on the other side of the landline said several words.

"Touch." A sound.

The handset fell to the ground, and the telephone line was directly pulled.

Mrs. Lin froze in place, staring blankly ahead, not even finding when the landline fell to the ground.

He opened his mouth, and it took a while to find his own voice.

"Was it a demon spirit just now?"

"What she said....I didn't catch...what she said..."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at Mrs. Lin's collapse. Although they couldn't bear it, they still had to face the reality.

"She said a body was found."

"The body is not far from your house. 35

"It's very likely your grandson, Lin Tianxiang.""

"Let you take the time to claim it now. 39

"Hey...you'd better go to the police station first, maybe it's not too bloated."

Madam Lin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and nodded her head dully.

"Yes, I have to take a look first, it may not be my grandson's, it is different (Nuo Zhaohao)!

After saying that, Mrs. Lin picked up her mobile phone and rushed to the police station.

The audience in the live room kept comforting her on the way, but the audience also knew that Ye Xuan never joked.

It is very likely that Lin Tianxiang is more fortunate than fortune.

A few minutes later, under the leadership of the demon spirit, Mrs. Lin went to the morgue and saw the corpse.

As soon as the white cloth was lifted, Mrs. Lin couldn't hold back her tears.

He knelt down beside the corpse and cried, "My dear grandson..."

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