778: I even scold me when I get angry!

Mu Junjun kept leaning on Brother Wang's chest, not seeing the gloomy eyes in the other party's eyes at all.

Mu Junjun really doubts himself at this moment, what is the point of spending huge sums of money to endure the pain and spending several months of living expenses to book a sea view room!

"You're still young, you haven't graduated from college yet, and you think about these things all day long!

"Don't worry, I won't touch you before we get married."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan pointed to the red dust beads in his hand and said, "You guys will understand when you look at this."

"What the hell is going on in your little head!"

"Whether a man is reliable depends on whether he will endure for you..'

"Brother Wang, you are really kind, I believe you love me."

"I've been playing around with me now. This kind of ambitious and stupid girl is the most suitable shield."

Brother Wang was stunned for a moment, looking at Mu Junjun's tangled expression, he understood in an instant.

"I really get along with you as the object of marriage.

Nothing happened!

"We can be together.

Because nothing happened to them!

But Mu Junjun couldn't sleep.

In the picture, Mu Junjun and Brother Wang share the same bed and sleep with each other.

Brother Wang made a phone call and said, "Everything has been arranged.

"What are you all talking about, why can't I understand it, no one wants to post anything!"

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong.

The next day, the two woke up, and after Brother Wang sent Mu Junjun back to school, she hadn't figured it out yet.

"Also, if I really want you, how will you behave in school in the future?

Mu Junjun has already returned to school.

Why has the atmosphere reached this point, she has already taken the initiative to do this, Brother Wang is still as stable as an old dog, and there is no reaction at all.

Then, the screen turned.

When we meet next time, I can't help glancing at Brother Wang.

"I am so much older than you, you are not afraid that I will deceive you?"

Nothing happened!

With a few words from Brother Wang, Mu Junjun dispelled his doubts, leaning in his arms and smiling very happily.

The next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

Mu Junjun can't figure it out, really can't figure it out, lying on the bed at the moment, he has already thought about it, but he can't come up with it.

"As long as I'm married to her, I'll deal with my parents' side.

After struggling for a while, he asked slowly: "Brother Wang, do you have any problem?

"Who was so arrogant just now, it turns out that it was you who scolded yourself.

"If there is, you can tell me directly, I will not despise you!"

"I'm so angry that I even scold myself!""

"Master Ye, explain "Nine Six Zero" to the late child, I really don't understand!

"Those who truly love you will think for you and endure for you. 35

The person over the phone didn't know what to say, but Brother Wang 4.9 showed a cruel smile:

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room would die of laughter.

"It turns out that no one wants you to post it upside down, it made me laugh to death."

"Remember, not all men need this in a relationship.

"Instead of just being happy, what's the difference between that and livestock."5

He patted her head and said:

"That fool thought I was caught in the routine, but didn't expect that she herself was the one who was caught in the routine.

But there were also newcomers who expressed incomprehension.

"Dude, smash my side...myself!

"Wait another three months, and that fool will get married after graduation. 99

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