Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

769: Are you running? If you don't, I'll chase you with a stick

769: Are you running? If you don't, I'll chase you with a stick

"Run quickly, run as far as possible, and never come back!

"Mu Junjun is just interested in your money!"

Li Jun sighed, then turned his eyes to Ye Xuan and greeted politely:

When Li Jun said this, his eyes were full of grief.

"Run now!

"But she blocked all my contacts and I couldn't find her at all.

"There is no way, I bought a ticket and planned to go directly to Junjun's house.

"I only saw her mother and said that Junjun is married, a rich second-generation, very rich.

Video connection is successful.

A man in his forties appeared in front of the camera, it was Li Jun in the previous picture.

There were constant barrages in the live broadcast room, and Mu Junjun had already burst into tears.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"It's very good to Junjun, they are living a very happy life now.

Watching the dense barrage of viewers in the live broadcast room.

Li Jun didn't answer directly, just opened his mouth to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, it turned into a sigh.

"Master Ye, hello."

The moment Li Jun appeared, Mu Junjun, who was still looking at the camera with his nose up, changed his expression instantly.

"I miss you so much!"

Ye Xuan locked Mr. Guan with an id named [Losing Love] in the live broadcast room and sent a video invitation.

"I can't forgive myself, I don't understand what's the difference between me and Fu Erdai, money?"

"do not!

"But 960 is, my admiration, Junjun, is someone else's. 35

"I will always be yours, and my heart will always be with you! 35

"Are you running? If you don't, I'll chase you with a stick.

"At that moment, I felt like my sky was about to fall. I didn't expect that the girl I loved would marry someone else just a month later."

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room slammed the barrage:


"It's so affectionate!"

"Master Ye, when Junjun sent me a message to break up with me, I knew she was definitely in trouble. 35

"As a result, my father was diagnosed with cancer during that time."

Ye Xuan waved his hand, indicating that you are welcome, and then asked: "Mu Junjun wants to recognize you now and get back with you, what is your attitude?"

"If you want, we'll get married now!"

"Finally, my brand was successfully established, and the name was [Mu Jun].

"Li Jun, it's really you! I didn't expect you to be in the live broadcast room!"

"Half? If only my husband had one percent of his.

Covering his mouth, he kept crying, looking at Li Jun and shouting, "It's not someone else's, it's not! 99

"I run from the hospital to the house every day, and I don't have time to find Junjun at all.

"If only my boyfriend had half of his. 35

"Li Jun, you still lack a wife, I don't want dowry, I have a garage, I just like you.

"After that day, I worked day and night, I went to study design and clothing, and I started a brand.

"I can only take the time to write to Jun Jun, hoping he can see it.

Without waiting for Li Jun to answer, the audience in the live broadcast room hurriedly sent a barrage:

The moment the audience in the live broadcast room 02 saw Li Jun's appearance, they immediately became anxious, and kept shouting not to believe Mu Junjun's words.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Li Jun is here."

"Because I promised Junjun that I would make clothes for her, and I would dress her up as the most beautiful woman in the world."

"If you are together, you will be cold!"

next moment.

"When everything was done, I arrived at the door of Junjun's house and stayed there for several days."

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