Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

767: I used to ignore it, but now I can't stand it

767: I used to ignore it, but now I can't stand it

"Sure enough, it's because of money, and you say that it's not a woman who worships money. I think you've gone home because of money.

"You won't forget how you got divorced in the first place. 95

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't believe Mu Junjun's words at all at this moment, and Ye Xuan, the requester, quickly told the truth.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this, and the confidence that Mu Junjun had just slapped on came back:

As a result, I didn't expect to be selected just now.

She had only heard that Ye Xuan was a magician before.

But looking at Li Jun in the middle of the field, he was full of people who came up to talk.

At this time, Mu Junjun was a little confused when he saw the red dust beads in Ye Xuan's hands.

"I was about to be surrounded by you."

"I knew you weren't telling the truth! 95

"Quickly tell me why you got divorced in the first place.

"Why don't you understand something so simple?

And Mu Junjun did not expect that ∼ would see Li Jun here.

Li Jun walked in slowly from the door and greeted the people inside.

But when she finally decided to go to Li Jun to talk to her, she couldn't find him anymore.

"It's a shame I just believed in you so much and wanted you to have lovers together, I tui!

In the end, there was no way. I heard that there is a magician Ye Xuan on Shark Live, so I came to try it.

"Since you don't admit it, I'll remind you."

Now I only dare to hide in the corner and watch from a distance, and I don't dare to go forward at all, for fear of being discovered by Li Jun.

"Really shameless!"

Listening to Mu Junjun's explanation, Ye Xuan laughed:

"It's not shameful to say it for the sake of money, and it's not shameful to worship money, but it's really shameless for you to hide your purpose."

"I just didn't say I met Li Jun, I didn't say I owe hundreds of thousands, but I didn't lie to you!"

I also looked for the organizer of the party, trying to find out the current news of Li Jun, but the other party didn't even bother her.

But I have never watched his live broadcast, and I didn't know that Ye Xuan still has such a powerful red dust beads.

"Just this one thing calls me shameless. Are you being too harsh on me?"

Originally, she was not invited to this party, but she followed her stubbornly, and even endured the pain in her flesh and sprayed the newly bought Zhan Nan perfume.

"Didn't you say that the rich second generation cheated?"

"You didn't lie to us with the rest? 99

She didn't know at the moment that Mu Junjun was watching her from the corner.

"You repeat what you just said?"

Suddenly panicked, he explained anxiously:

Mu Junjun said with a serious face: "How many times I say the same, I didn't lie to you!"

I was thinking of seducing a second spring, but I saw Li Jun.

But I can only stay in the corner, my heart is more and more unbalanced, very unbalanced.

She still doesn't know what kind of mood to use to face her old lover.

When the audience saw this, how could they not understand Mu Junjun's true purpose.

"What's wrong with me for the money....I didn't spend your money....Why are you so excited?'

0.. ask for flowers....

As soon as these words came out, Mu Junjun, who was still eloquent just now, was instantly stunned, his mouth opened and closed, and he didn't say why for a long time.

"It's really a waste of my feelings."

The audience who had helped Mu Junjun speak before turned against each other, stood opposite her, and kept ranting.

"It's already now, do you still believe what Mu Junjun said?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said slowly: "Mu Junjun and Fu Erdai were married for ten years and cheated on him for ten years." Fan.

"I saw it once from a distance, it's different from never seeing it, you didn't ask, and I didn't say it.


"Also, what if I met Li Jun in the middle? I didn't find him in the end. 39

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