Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

764: He just made mistakes that every1 in the world will make

764: He just made mistakes that everyone in the world will make

"He also said that he bought the small house we rented together, and when I want to find him in the future, I can go to the small house to find him.

"I bring it in a little bit. If I had this mother, I would be suffocating."

"By the time I know this letter, it will be twenty years later."

"Mu Junjun waited there for three days, but did not wait for Li Jun to appear."

"I went back to my parents' house. No matter how my mother stopped me, I divorced the rich second generation."

"I'm dying of curiosity, but what, what happened in the end!"

The audience was helpless and could only turn around and ask Ye Xuan.

"Fortunately, the rich second generation will not treat me badly when it comes to money, so I used the money to open a small storefront of O2."

At this moment, Mu Junjun looked at Ye Xuan with hope in his eyes and pleaded:

"I also sold a house and decided to live apart from my mother, completely out of her control.

"I am going to Li Jun. I have prepared a lot of things to tell him. I want to tell him my troubles. I want to tell him that I still love him and miss him."

"As long as I do better and be more obedient, the rich second generation will change his mind sooner or later."

"It's too hard. 35

"Master Ye, please help me, I want to see Li Jun again."

"After I married Fu Erdai, within a year, I found out that there was someone outside him. 35

After listening to the live broadcast, the audience immediately became anxious:

"He also said that he would prepare a bunch of flowers every day, and when I found him, no matter how hard I was in my heart, I would always be happy to see the flowers.

"Converted to a children's playground. 39

"I also listened to her for ten years. During these ten years, you can't imagine the life I lived."

Mu Junjun sighed and continued:

'After a few years of hard work, I finally got some improvement and opened several chain stores. After I had the confidence to speak my own words.

The audience in the live broadcast room scratched their ears, Mu Junjun seemed to fall into memory, and did not reply for a long time.


"He also said that he planned to start his own brand, specializing in women's dresses, just to wear them for me."


"What the hell is it!

When Mu Junjun said this, he immediately stopped and did not continue.

"This is really desperate, so let's say it quickly, I don't have class, so I'll watch the live broadcast!""

"Why can't lovers get married, this mother is so annoying."

"After reading the letter, I immediately sold the ticket and went to our small house."

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room felt uncomfortable.

Why can not love together.

"My mother admitted that after the breakup, Li Jun came to my house to look for me."

"After all, twenty years later, it's a miracle that the little house is still there.

"I opened every letter from Li Jun and read it, he said in the letter that he knew I had difficulties and would wait for me forever. More

Ye Xuan added: "When Mu Junjun arrived, the original small 943 house was no longer there.

"Just when I was packing my house yesterday, I saw the letter Li Jun wrote to me."

"Speak now!

"I couldn't get in touch, so I wrote a letter, but who knew it was all blocked by my mother.

"But my mother tried her best to stop me, let me ninja, and told me that it's normal to have a few men outside.

"He said a lot after that, and at the end, my tears fell on the letter, and the handwriting was wet, so I couldn't read it clearly.

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