Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

760: Not cruel enough, don't be afraid, the bad luck charm is sent

760: Not cruel enough, don't be afraid, the bad luck charm is sent

Immediately, blood continued to flow out from his eyes, and Bai Lin screamed in pain.


"It hurts to death, take me to the hospital immediately.

"It's too late to keep Laozi's eyes!

"lock up....

As a result, before he could finish speaking, his right eye was bleeding and he couldn't see the road clearly.

Bai Lin tripped his left foot on his right foot and tripped his own.

His face just hit the stone on the ground and he was stabbed, and this time his eyes were gone.

When he raised his head, both eyes were filled with blood holes, and blood kept gushing out.

The picture of the red dust beads is now over.

Ye Xuan looked at the camera with a smile on his face:

"Are you satisfied with Bai Lin's fate?"


"That's what it's going to do."

“Satisfied, simply too satisfied!”

"Hahaha, Bai Lin will be blind in the future, let's see how you can harm others.

"I showed my target Bai Lin's end, and let him take a good look, if he dares to harm me, this is the end~||.

"I also showed it to my girlfriend, who used to be arrogant to me, but now it has changed, and she is very kind to me, and she just pinched my leg.

Watching Bai Lin's end, the audience in the live broadcast room were very happy and called it beautiful!

At this moment, Zhang Meng also let out a deep breath of malice.

It was really too cheap for Bai Lin to just go in before, but now that he has the Bad Fortune Talisman, the end is much tragic.

Zhang Meng lowered her head slightly and looked at Ye Xuan gratefully: "Master Ye, thank you.

Ye Xuan waved his hand indifferently, and hung up the video connection after chatting a few words.

After hanging up, Ye Xuan took a deep breath.

He had already figured out what happened to Bai Lin and Chen Qian just now.

Bai Lin's eyes were injured, and when he was sent to the hospital, he couldn't save it. He could only spend the rest of his life in the dark and became blind.

He was a blind man, and the oranges were full of vicious criminals.

Life in oranges is a miserable one!

On the other hand, Chen Qian watched the live broadcast when Bai Lin was arrested.

Seeing that Bai Lin was taken in, she was frightened.

Seeing that Bai Lin was given a bad luck charm and turned blind in the next second, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, for fear that the next one would be herself.

I packed up that night and planned to run away at night.



How could Ye Xuan let her go? Ye Xuan sent her every movement to the Yao Yaoling without any hesitation, and she was caught after walking a few streets.

In the end, no matter how hard she struggled and quibble, it didn't work, and she was taken away.

It's been ten years since it came out.

After more than ten years of prison life, Chen Qian, who is only in her thirties, looks like an old woman in her fifties and sixties.

No job, no money, because she has a criminal record, no one even wants her to go out as a waiter.

In the end, she could only return to her old business, but because of her old age, no one ordered her at all.

Every day, I can only stand at the door of the street to solicit customers, no matter what kind of customers come.

After a few years (Noah, okay), he got the willow disease and passed away.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

On the other hand, the audience in the live broadcast room was a little restless.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan laughed directly:

"`" Pretty boy and pretty girl door. "

"Just say whatever you want to say.

"We've known each other for a long time, and there's nothing else I'm embarrassed to say.

"Boldly say, no matter how bad it is, I can still fly you out."

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