Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

757: You want the love of the scumbag, the scumbag will kill you

757: You want the love of the scumbag, the scumbag will kill you

After the girlfriend finished speaking, regardless of the boy's wishes, she forcibly pulled the other party away.

So far, no one is willing to help.

The audience watching the live broadcast room was anxious.

"Go up and help!

"Dan, if it's your daughter or girlfriend who's being robbed, you won't be able to get on!"

"Don't this group of people have any sense of justice? Even if you don't help to fight a demon spirit quietly, it's okay. 35

"Master Ye, hurry up and help, I don't think Zhang Meng can hold it anymore."

At this moment, on the opposite side of the camera, Zhang Meng's neck has been pinched by Bai Lin, Bai Lin gritted his teeth, and the blue veins appeared on his hands, and he tried desperately.

She pinched Zhang Meng and kept sticking out her tongue, her face turned into a pig's liver color.

Bai Lin's face was hideous, staring at Zhang Meng as if he was watching his father's enemy.

"If you don't find out, I can let you go a little more happily.

"Don't blame me now, I'm sure I want to go in, but before I go in, I have to pull my back no matter what.

"If you want to blame it, you are blind, why did you pursue me in the first place, and you are so stupid now! 99

As he said that, he exerted force on his hand, and Zhang Meng was about to die.

At this moment, Bai Lin suddenly stopped moving and froze in place. Except for his face, he couldn't move any part of his body even if he tried his best.

After a few tries, Bai Lin was sweating profusely, but he didn't move a single cent.

I didn't know what was going on at all, and I was so panicked that I thought I had a terminal illness.

She was so panicked that she almost cried, looked at Zhang Meng and asked for help: "Mengmeng, save me, save me.

"I can't move, please take me to the hospital."

"Save you a ghost! 99

"Master Ye is great!

"Master Ye, you really scared me to death. Fortunately, you shot!"

"Master Ye, you are so rude, Bai Lin is so scared that he almost wets his pants."

As soon as the audience in the live broadcast room saw Bai Lin's ghostly appearance, they knew that it was Ye Xuan who made the move.

And this time on the opposite side of the camera.

Zhang Meng was lying on the ground and gasping for breath, a feeling of the rest of her life hit, her ears were ringing, she didn't hear a word of what Bai Lin said.

She was really dying just now.

Looking up, seeing Bai Lin froze in place and motionless, he immediately understood who did it.

He stood up forcibly, looked at Ye Xuan, and said gratefully:

"Master Ye, thank you.""

"If it weren't for you, I would really die.

Ye Xuan waved his hand indifferently: "It's hard work, don't care.

At this time, the demon spirit that the boy fought after he went out had arrived.

After that, things are simple.

Two demon spirits stepped forward, one left and one right, to control Bai Lin. At this moment, Bai Lin was still shouting:

"You take me to the hospital first!"

"I'm terminally ill!"

"Deadly Illness!

"I can't move now, I'm about to die!

"Hurry up and take me to the hospital, it's too late!"

Bai Lin kept shouting, but the Yaoyao didn't care, and said solemnly: "It's not what you said whether you need to be sent to the hospital or not, we will judge.

"But now you come with me first.

Bai Lin had a bitter face and was about to cry:

"I mean it, it's really too late to be late."

"You... ugh!""

"I can move!

"I'm fine, I'm fine, hahahaha!"

Just when Bai Lin shouted, he suddenly felt that his hand could move.

After a few activities, I found that my whole body could move.

Immediately he burst out laughing.

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