Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

755: Chen Qian cuts her wrists, the scumbag is entangled

755: Chen Qian cuts her wrists, the scumbag is entangled

Bai Lin was startled, but he couldn't believe it in his heart, so he asked tentatively, "What did you do?"

"I told you, don't lie to me, we have nothing to do."

"Don't do this kind of thing, it doesn't work for me!"

Chen Qian was obviously unable to make a sound, took a few breaths, and then slowly said: "

After speaking, there was no sound on the phone.

Bai Lin was really panicked at the moment. He was afraid that something would happen to Chen Qian, so he opened the door and rushed out before he could say anything.

Zhang Meng was holding the meal she had just made and looked blankly at Bai Lin's back:

"Bai Lin, what are you doing. 39

"The meal is ready!"

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also became nervous and asked:

"Master Ye, Chen Qian should have an accident."

"The voice just now felt like I was about to die, and it made me nervous."

"I didn't panic when I saw the picture at the entrance of the hotel, I knew that Chen Qian would be fine~||. 39

"But what kind of plane is Chen Qian doing now? Didn't he just say that he would not disturb Bai Lin again?"

"I guess after Chen Qian went back, the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and she made this bitter plan. 99

Looking at the audience's speculation, Ye Xuan shook his head and said:

"Chen Qian really likes Bai Lin, even if Bai Lin gave her a green hat, she would still give up on Bai Lin.

"When Bai Lin abandoned her, Chen Qian really wanted to commit suicide, and she didn't mean to play tricks.

"The last call to Bai Lin is just the last instinct to survive.

"It's just that she didn't expect this phone call to change her life.

Ye Xuan said, stroking the red dust beads with his right hand.

The next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

The picture appeared in the hospital ward. When Chen Qian woke up, there was Bai Lin with a haggard face next to her.

This time, Chen Qian committed suicide by cutting her wrists and was in a coma for three days in the hospital.

Bai Lin has been taking care of him for the past three days, explaining to Zhang Meng that his relatives at home had passed away and he was going back to his hometown for the funeral.

In the process of taking care of him this time, every bit of his previous life with Chen Qian kept recollecting in Bai Lin's mind.

Thinking... thinking... He moved himself again.

These days I kept questioning myself: why am I so affectionate.


He made a decision.

When Chen Qian woke up, Bai Lin grabbed Chen Qian's hand and said seriously: *Qian Qian, do you want to be with me forever?

At this moment, Chen Qian's face was stunned, she didn't know why she woke up, and Bai Lin suddenly changed her mind.

But soon he nodded in surprise: "Of course I do, I miss it so much!"

Bai Lin took a deep breath and said slowly, "Okay.

"Then you listen to me.

"I'm very unhappy with Zhang Meng now, if it wasn't for his money, I wouldn't be with her at all.

"She doesn't understand taste, and she is not gentle. She asks me to take care of him every time. You see, I have hurt my hand to cook for him during this period of time."

As he said that, he stretched out his right hand, and there were indeed a few knife wounds on it, as well as some oily burns.

Seeing that Chen Qian was distressed, she grabbed Bai Lin's hand and kept blowing.

"Whether it hurts, I'll help you blow it."

Bai Lin touched Chen Qian's head and said, "It's okay."

"For our happiness in the future, this pain is nothing.

"you listen to me,

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