Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

752: This is not true love, this is dog licking

752: This is not true love, this is dog licking

Ye Xuan paused and continued: "I work in Chen Qian every day to support Bai Lin for a month.

"Bai Lin sleeps and plays games every day after eating and drinking, and has nothing to do with job postings.

"As a result, he really met a company and became a small employee.

"This company is Zhang Meng's company."

"Before joining the job, Bai Lin was ambitious and wanted to do something big."

"As a result, after three years of work, I am still a small clerk."

"Until Zhang Meng appeared...'

"Bai Lin heard that the company wants a new manager."

"Deliberately come to the company early every day, just to leave a good impression on Zhang Mengli."

"But who knows, Zhang Meng fell in love with Bai Lin at first sight, and started a crazy pursuit in Bai Lin! 35

"At this time, Chen Qian was still working at the landlord's house to subsidize the family, and Bai Lin never said that he had a girlfriend in the company for the sake of face.

"Zhang Meng also misunderstood, and Bai Lin didn't explain it."

"At first, Bai Lin still felt that if he agreed with Zhang Meng, it would be bad for Chen Qian, so he directly rejected Zhang Meng. 39

"But after one rejection, my heart became more and more unbalanced. I thought every day that if I was Zhang Meng's boyfriend, I could be considered a prosperous person, and I would live a good life in the future."

"After that, I have been vacillating between Zhang Meng and Chen Qian."

"But how could Bai Lin resist the temptation of money?"

"At this time, after being rejected, Zhang Meng's self-confidence was frustrated, and he deliberately avoided Bai Lin every day. 95

"Bai Lin couldn't do anything, so he came up with a solution, voluntarily resigned, and then deliberately approached Zhang Meng.

"In this way, Zhang Meng was successfully taken down again."

"I told Chen Qian that the company provided a dormitory, but it was actually living in Zhang Meng's house.""

"Chen Qian was very happy at first and felt that the company was very good, and they even provided accommodation."

"I never thought that Bai Lin would bring her a huge green hat."

"Chen Qian is not smart enough, and soon I feel that something is wrong."

"Before Chen Qian came back from get off work every morning, no matter how tired Bai Lin was, he would comfort her a few times."

"This is also one of the driving forces that support Chen Qian's persistence."

"But now that motivation is gone, even if I call Bai Lin in the morning, Bai Lin says he is busy and hangs up before we can talk a few words.


"Even the news used to be returned in seconds, but now it has become reincarnation.

"Chen Qian couldn't believe why Bai Lin's attitude changed so much just because he lived in a dormitory. 55

"Finally, Chen Qian decided to go to the gate of Bailin Company to stand guard.

"In the end, after squatting for a few days, he really made him squat.

"That day, Chen Qian avoided the security guard and squatted at the corner of the company's gate. From a distance, she saw Bai Lin and Zhang Meng walking out of the gate holding hands and smiling together."

"Chen Qian was stunned, and she blinked her eyes several times before she was sure that Bai Lin was right.

"The anger rose instantly, but when she ran out, Bai Lin and Zhang Meng had already got in the car and left. 99

"Chen Qian could only watch from a distance behind, gritted her teeth angrily."

"The next day, Chen Qian went straight to Bai Lin for a showdown."

Having said that, Ye Xuan pointed to the red dust beads in his hand.

next moment.

A picture appeared in the red dust beads.

In the picture, Bai Lin just got off work and followed a group of colleagues down the street.

Chen Qian appeared behind her and shouted out two words with a gloomy expression:

"Bai Lin!" Fan.

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