Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

749: Half a year's love, g1 in a few hours

749: Half a year's love, gone in a few hours

As soon as these words came out, Bai Lin jumped his feet, pointed at Ye Xuan and started cursing:

"You demon, just provoked my relationship with Zhang Meng. 35

"Now you're here to frame me on purpose, I really don't know what your heart is?

"Especially Zhang Meng, you idiot, you actually believed in an outsider instead of me."

"How long have I known you and how long have you known him?"

"Half a year's relationship is actually no better than a few hours of conversation.

02 "I really saw through you.

"Now I'm asking you for a breakup fee to compensate for my care for you during this time."

This Bai Lin put all the faults on Zhang Meng.

Zhang Meng was about to laugh angrily at the moment, and said with a sneer, "You put hormones in my meal."

"And then gave me the food that was grammatical.

"And now I put cephalosporin in my wine."

"You really take care of me too much...hehe."

No matter what Zhang Meng said at this moment, Bai Lin had already started to act as a rogue.

"I put those things for you before, and I explained them to you, and I also admitted you were wrong."

"But if you don't forgive me and insist on breaking up with me, can you blame me?

"And look at what you have become now? I'll treat you like a pig in half a year.

"Even if you listened to that demonic saying, what if I wanted to kill you?"

"But you're not standing here right now.""

"And I ask you, what about the motive? What about my motive?

"You don't know my motives at all, even if you go to fight the demon spirits, there is nothing you can do about me. 55

"I advise you to give me the money quickly, don't waste our time."

Bai Lin said, looking at Zhang Meng's eyes full of disgust, his eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Zhang Mengqi's eyes were red, and he clenched his fist, clenched his fist, trying to refute, but couldn't say a word.

At this time, Lin Xuan sneered: "Why is Zhang Meng still standing here. 39

"It's not because you're stupid. Luo

Bai Lin became angry for a while, and pointed at Ye Xuan who was about to scold a few words, but when the words reached his lips, he sneered again:

"It's useless for you to scold me now.""

"There's nothing you can do about me.

"You can't know my motives.

"I also advise you to hang up the video quickly, and don't be embarrassed here.

Ye Xuan shook his head and sneered: "Shame, can I be ashamed of you?

"Also, who told you that I don't know your motives."

"Do you really think you're hiding well?"

"It's a pity you met me..."

"Do you still remember your ex-girlfriend, Chen Qian?"

As soon as the name came out, the expression on Bai Lin's face froze instantly, staying where he was, with a particularly slippery expression.

Looking at Ye Xuan, his expression was tense, and he swallowed unconsciously:

"How do you know Chen Qian?

"Who are you, have you investigated me before!"

"Let me tell you, Chen Qian and I have long since broken up. If you are his suitor and come to me for revenge, don't think about it."

"I have nothing to do with Chen Qian for a long time.

Although Bai Lin was flustered at the moment, he still tried his best to calm down and thought about how to deal with it.

But...who let him meet Ye Xuan...

I saw Ye Xuan sneered, looked at Bai Lin and said slowly: "You two just made an action movie together last month, and now you forgot?"

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