Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

747: Cephalosporin mixed with alcohol, ruthless!

747: Cephalosporin mixed with wine, ruthless!

"I just wanted to surprise you, and I don't know why things turned out like this."5

"Cefs mixed with alcohol, ruthless!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the white powder, they couldn't be more curious.

But no one believed him anymore,

"I go.

"Maybe they won't stand here and talk to us now, but go directly to the hospital."

"Yes, is this a drug?"

0・・For flowers...  

"I Ma Ma told me every day that you can't drink after drinking cephalosporin, otherwise it will really kill people."

While eating, Bai Lin suddenly covered his stomach with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

It just happened to be the cup of cephalosporin mixed wine.

"I really don't know how the cephalosporins will react."

"If it wasn't for Zhang Meng who found out that his relatives were here, he didn't drink that glass of wine.

"Of course I do. 35

Staring at this small package, I saw a pile of white powder inside.

"No way? Drugging your girlfriend?"5

On screen:

"It looks like a drug to me.""

At the end, I also used chopsticks to stick in and stir.

The next moment, a picture appeared in the red dust beads.

"I really don't know, please believe me. 35

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said slowly: "This is crushed cephalosporin.

"Cefs mixed with alcohol... You know what the consequences will be."

Calling this is simply murder.

Zhang Meng and Bai Lin are sitting in the restaurant, eating, and the background is the restaurant opposite the camera.

"What is this?"

Bai Lin didn't speak, and directly put all the powder into the wine glass next to Zhang Meng.

She kept throwing it around, as if it was some kind of poison, which had penetrated into the blood through the skin, making her uncomfortable.

When the audience saw it, they were very curious about what it was.

"I gave you cephalosporin because I knew you had a cold, and I just want you to drink some medicine."

After everything was done, Bai Lin looked around and found that no one noticed this place, so he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to lower his head to eat the food in front of him.

At this time, Bailin was still defending himself:

Not only the audience in the studio, Zhang Meng looked at Bai Lin like a villain.

Ye Xuan said that his right hand flicked the red dust beads in his hand.

"I love you so much, you are my wife, how could I hurt you!

"Mengmeng, you believe me, things are not what you think. 35

"Bai Lin is trying to make money and kill himself.

"Master Ye, what exactly is this?"

Bai Lin nodded, looked at the back of Zhang Meng's departure, made sure he didn't look back, and took out a small package from his pocket.


"Perhaps, Bai Lin might have other hobbies.

They all asked Ye Xuan what exactly this was.

"Bai Lin mixed cephalosporin into Zhang Meng's wine, the purpose is self-evident.

The hand accidentally touched the table and knocked over the cup on the table.

When the audience in the live broadcast room knew that the white powder was cephalosporin, they were all shocked.

At this moment, Bai Lin kept saying that he didn't know.

Zhang Meng looked at the wine in her hand and screamed:

"I'm sorry, Bai Lin, my stomach is a little uncomfortable, I'll go to the bathroom first.

Taking a few steps back, his eyes were full of fear.

After saying that, he trotted to the bathroom with his bag.

"Could it be some kind of poison?

"I went, it really is because I am small, I thought it was a drug, but I didn't expect it to be poison.

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