743: Fake science will kill people

"What Du Niang told me....Does Du Niang still lie?'""

Zhang Meng was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the situation was, the mobile phone was in her hands.

"A mild illness, if you are not careful, you may be poisoned and go away."

"These are foods that are mutually resistant, and you will get sick if you eat them."

"Fuck it, it's not poisonous and can't be eaten, or it's a food that is mutually restrained, how could it be poisoned, and it's dead, I think you are alarmist!"

Looking at these barrages, Zhang Meng had a bitter face and was about to cry.

When Ye Xuan said it was fake science, the audience in the live broadcast room stopped doing it, and they all questioned whether Du Niang would lie to others.

"I am even more terrifying. Beef and brown sugar together will cause flatulence, and if it is serious, it may kill people!!!"

"Tomatoes, green beans. 35

Zhang Meng frowned and looked back and forth on the screen of her phone several times before confirming that it was all about food and nothing else.

"I also found out that sweet potatoes and persimmons will cause stones together, so they must not be eaten together."

After reacting, I quickly turned on the phone. Although it had been stepped on, it was close to being scrapped, and it had not yet been scrapped.

"Upstairs, your idea is wrong. I accidentally mixed tofu and honey and ate it before, and I ended up in the hospital the next day. It took a week to come out. 99

When I remembered that I had eaten the Xiangke food for several months, my hands trembled a little.

Zhang Meng doesn't know, but some viewers who know these things can see at a glance that this is the food of mutual restraint.

Seeing this situation, Ye Xuan felt a little helpless. He raised his forehead and said:

"Beef, brown sugar. 99

"Beautiful boys, do you know that fake science will kill 4.9 people?"

Zhang Meng didn't care, and went directly into another system to find the memo.

Ignoring the screen that has turned into slag, the mobile phone is a bit slapped on it.

"Fake science?"

"But I feel like I'm fine now...

Zhang Meng was so frightened at the moment that she cried with snot and tears, begging Ye Xuan to sell him the healing talisman.

"Don't you have a healing talisman! How much is it, I will give you all of my net worth, please sell me the healing talisman!"

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't seem to see Zhang Meng's panic, and they were still adding fuel to the fire:

"I just asked Du Niang and found out that tomato and mung bean together will be detrimental!

"Big question, big question!"

Ye Xuan said slowly: "Then when you asked Du Niang, didn't you see the rumors underneath?"

"It shouldn't be a big problem..."

Holding my chest, I felt dizzy, trembling all over, my lips were white, and I couldn't breathe.

"My god, I decided to go home today and buy a popular science book. I want to read it every day. It's really scary.."

"I know I know!

But after going in, "Nine Twenty Seven" didn't find what he expected, but.

"Sweet potato, persimmon."

Tremblingly, he said: "I've been eating these things for half a year...  

She was a little confused: "what are these things... 35

"I remembered that my grandmother had several books about food in her house, and she forced me to read it every day."

He also said that he was admitted to the hospital because of eating gram food.

Zhang Meng panicked instantly when he saw it, because he recalled that these foods were made by Bai Lin every day.

"Everything I say is true and is based on facts!39

Looking at Ye Xuan with a sad face, he begged: "Master Ye, please save me!

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