Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

741: What kind of sand sculpture is this, can you believe it?

741: What kind of sand sculpture is this, can you believe it?

Bai Lin's final tone even had the meaning of a domineering president.

This made Zhang Meng's face blushed again, and looked at Bai Lin shyly.

Xiao Quanquan also gently hammered Bai Lin's chest.


"You are really too bad, you will bully me, remember, this is not allowed in the future. 99

The smile on Bai Lin's face was like a flower, and he hugged Zhang Meng tightly.

"Is this plot going wrong?"

"I understand that Zhang Meng is a paper tiger."

"When Bai Lin was away just now, he was very tough, but now it's not enough for people to coax him."

"A friend of mine did the same thing. Every time he said that 927 was very nice in front of me, he broke up when he went back. In the end, he split up for a year and got married!"

"I feel like my blood pressure is on a roller coaster right now, going up and down.

Looking at the two people on the opposite side of the camera talking and hugging each other, the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

You can believe what kind of sand sculpture Zhang Meng is!

At this moment, Zhang Meng also felt that she was a little quick to forgive.

Pushing Bai Lin away, he looked at Ye Xuan with an embarrassed expression:

"This... Master Ye, I'm really sorry.

"I know I'm a little quick to forgive, but I still decided to give Bai Lin a (acej) chance.

"You can bless me.

At this moment, even the battle-hardened Ye Xuan was a little speechless.

After a while, he nodded slowly and said, "I don't bless you, but I respect your choice."5

"You have already made a choice, and it is inconvenient for us to say anything more, just hang up the video link.

With that said, ready to hang up the video link.

As a result, at this time, Bai Lin reached out his hand to stop him: "Wait.

"I still have a few words to say. 35

"You are Master Ye, right? You can tell fortunes, right?"

"You just provoked the relationship between me and my girlfriend, and you were very happy to do so.

"Let's go after the provocation, do you think we are just having a meal?"

Bai Lin said with his nose upturned and looked at Ye Xuan arrogantly.




After Bai Lin said a few words, the audience was silent, Zhang Meng was silent, and even Ye Xuan was silent.

After the silence, the live broadcast room broke out instantly, and the barrage was madly:

"Good boy, good boy, good boy!

"I've never seen someone so deadly.

"My God, is there something wrong with this person's brain!"

"Be confident, this is definitely not a little problem."

"Master Ye, give him a chance and let him see the dangers in the world.

"Since you have said so, Master Ye, can you still bear it? Hurry up and do it!

Seeing Bai Lin's death like this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back, and they all asked Ye Xuan to take action.

At this time, Ye Xuan was also dumbfounded, shook his head and said:

"Since you really did this to death, I can't stop you.""

"I wanted to let you go.

Seeing Ye Xuan's expression, Bai Lin couldn't help being a little flustered and swallowed.

I kept comforting myself.

It was just a blind cat that met a dead mouse, luckily, nothing will happen now.

After a few words of comfort, his self-confidence came up again, looking at Ye Xuan and sneering:

"You provoked our relationship first, and then insulted me. If I could bear it, I wouldn't be considered a man."

"Whatever you have, just use it."

"I'm not afraid of you at all!"

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