730: Self-inflicted, can't live

Next, the second brother opened the document in his hand, held it high, and stood in the middle and turned around:

"You all look, you all look. 99

Next, align the file with the lens:

"You are Master Ye, look at it too. 99

"This document is clearly written in black and white."

"The above said that my eldest brother, Wang Tao, voluntarily donated half of his property to us for free. 35

"There is also my eldest brother's signature and fingerprint below. If you don't believe the signature, you can go and check your fingerprints. 55

"It's definitely something I wrote myself."

Looking at this document, Wang Tao and his wife's eyes widened. Meng Ting slapped Wang Tao on the arm angrily and said angrily:

"It's okay to give money back then, I really didn't expect you to be such a jerk. 35

"You also signed this kind of document, are you trying to piss me off?

Wang Tao was beaten and screamed, and he was also confused at the moment, grabbing Meng Ting's hand:

"Don't worry, I don't know this file at all."

Then, frowning at the second brother, he said solemnly:

"What happened to this document, I never remember that I held it? How did you get my handprint~||!

The second brother pointed at Wang Tao with a sad face and looked at the people around him: "You all have a look, this is my good eldest brother."

"Now I don't even admit to what I said and what I did!

"Big brother, this is what you wrote in front of our younger brothers and sisters!"

"You don't admit it now, it's really chilling us."

The second brother said, winking at the people behind him, and the younger brothers and sisters behind him quickly responded:

"Yes, brother, have you forgotten?"

"Brother, you are so sad for us, you can still forget about this!


Hearing this, everyone around was a little confused, and the aunt poked Meng Ting's arm and whispered:

"Tingting, it's not like Taozi really signed this bullshit agreement before, this is half of the property."5

Meng Ting is also a bit at a loss now, but he still believes in Wang Tao and replied in a low voice:

"As long as Wang Tao says he didn't sign, it means he didn't sign. I believe Wang Tao."

"What are the qualities of his brothers, you know, it's not surprising to come up with a fake. 35

Wang Tao looked at Meng Ting gratefully.

"Wife, it's really nice of you to believe me, although I don't know how they fake it.

"But I promise I absolutely did not sign this agreement.

Although he knew that he had not signed it, this was definitely a forgery, but Wang Tao looked at the agreement a little bit hard.

Helpless, Ye Xuan could only ask for help.

Wang Tao looked at Ye Xuan in the camera and asked:

"`" Master Ye, I really don't know how this agreement came about.

"Can you help me?"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said slowly: "You were drinking with your brothers half a year ago and were unconscious.

"In the end, I don't even know who went home like this. Do you remember this?"9

Wang Tao is also a wise man. Hearing this, he immediately understood and exclaimed, "Could it be when...(I promised Zhao).

Ye Xuan nodded.

At this moment, the second brother listened to Ye Xuan's words, his expression became more and more flustered, his heart beat faster, he pointed at Ye Xuan and began to curse:

"What are you talking nonsense about!

"This is obviously our big brother's intention for us, and now it is stolen by us in your mouth."

"What the hell do you have in mind!"

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows, looked at his second brother like a fool, shook his head and said:

"Do your own sin, you can't live.

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