723: Don't care about fools

"Well cursed!"

"This kind of person just wants to scold back. 35

"If I had the guts to scold my mother-in-law, my life wouldn't be so miserable.

"Yeah, I really want to have Meng Ting's courage to fight my mother-in-law back in person."

You can see that Meng Ting directly ran over her mother-in-law, and the audience in the live broadcast room called her beautiful.

At this time, in the red dust beads, the picture "Nine One Zero" continued.

In the picture, Yang Huizhen got angry for a while, stood up, pointed at Meng Ting and said angrily.

"It's really against you."

"I'm your mother-in-law, how dare you talk to me like this. 35

"Be careful, I told Wang Tao that he would kick you.

Meng Ting sneered, not caring about Yang Huizhen's threat.

"But let me remind you first."

"Now all of Wang Tao's properties and companies are in his and my name."

"If you want Wang Tao to divorce me, I have to share at least half of the property.

"You have to think about it."

"And in this place where you are now, the legal name on this branch is me.

"I can call security at any time to kick you out."

Yang Huizhen shouted angrily: "Sure enough, you have exposed your nature. 99

"You married Wang Tao just because of our family's wealth."

"I'm going to tell Wang Tao right now, I'll let him know your true face. 35

Meng Ting almost laughed angrily, and said with a sneer: "When Wang Tao of your family was with me, he was poor and poor."5

"What can I fancy in him? Fancy that he has a bunch of white-eyed wolf relatives? Or fancy his poor jingle?"

"If I really fancy your family's property, I can't marry him."

"Now all the property is the result of my more than ten years of hard work with him.

"When Wang Tao and I were the most difficult, where were you?"

"Have you helped him a little?"

"As a result, now that we have developed, we have begun to find a sense of existence and ask Wang Tao to help you."

"At least millions of dollars are spent on you every year.

"Your whole family is supported by Wang Tao alone, do you know that?"

"I have no gratitude at all, and now I go to the branch office to make a mess here. 35

"You really have the face to say these words 0.."

Yang Huizhen's old face was flushed with anger, her mouth was open and closed, and she couldn't utter a single word.

Finally, the second brother stood up and said.

"This is your mother-in-law, your husband's mother, your elder."

"Do you usually talk to your mother like this at home?"

"Don't think you are my elder brother's wife, you can yell here, I haven't regarded you as my elder sister-in-law for a day."

"And now you can't even give birth to a son for my eldest brother.""

"Is it wrong for our whole family to want to keep one for my eldest brother?""

"I have adopted my own son to my eldest brother, and I don't care if I have a daughter or not.

"Our whole family thinks so much about the big brother, even if you don't appreciate it at all, and now you are still scolding us on 4.9!

"When are we being bullied?"

"I tell you, now you must bring me your legal person seal.

"My eldest brother's son is in charge of this branch, you can leave quickly, you are not needed here.

The second brother said that he was going to grab Zhang Zi and drive Meng Ting away.

Meng Ting couldn't bear to face these rogues.

Call the security directly.

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