Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

720: I treat you as a younger brother, but you want to be my son?

720: I treat you as a younger brother, but you want to be my son?


"What adoptive son?""

"Adopt what son?

"Listening to this, I'm getting more and more confused."

"Master Ye, hurry up, what exactly is the adoption!"

Listening to Ye Xuan's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was in a hurry.

They all wondered what kind of son was adopted.

Seeing this, Wang Tao sighed, and then Ye Xuan said:

“When my mother was drugged and we found out, my wife told her about it. 35

"She was also quiet for a while. 35

"I thought I wouldn't think about having a grandson anymore."

"But I didn't expect that after a few days, she told us that she had adopted a son for us.

"I also said that this son was carefully selected, and I am absolutely assured that it will be very good to us.

"I also said that my daughter is unreliable, and she will always marry in the future, so she definitely wants a son."

"Our property must be inherited by our son."

"And this carefully selected son is ...... Lao Liu~||. 35

"What the hell?"

"My brother is actually my son?"

"My eldest brother is actually my father?"

"My mother, this relationship is messed up!

"Is this the way a man can figure it out? My God.

Listening to Wang Tao's words, the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

They all sighed, this is not a way that people can come up with.

And at this moment, the sixth man on the opposite side of the camera is about to burrow into the ground with his head down.

His face was flushed with embarrassment, his toes were scratching in embarrassment, and he wanted to run away.

Wang Tao was also helpless, and continued:

"That's my younger brother, how can he be my son, isn't this just a mess!"

"I refused at the time.


Speaking, Wang Tao sighed, his voice was a little weak, and continued:

"My mother thought it was me who was dissatisfied with the sixth, and called me again after a few days."

"It said that he gave me a son instead."

"I changed my second brother's son."

"As long as I agree, I can call my father right away, live in my house, and give me a pension in the future."


At the end of the speech, he kept sighing, and Wang Tao's words became a little weak.

Seeing this, Meng Ting added: "First, let the younger brother be the son, and then let the nephew be the son, thanks to her thinking.

"We already have a daughter, what more do we need, and we are not the kind of people who prefer sons to daughters.

"My daughter loves it just as well.

"I definitely disagree with this son who is to be adopted.

66" rejected outright. 99

"As a result, Yang Huizhen, on her own initiative, hosted an adoption ceremony in our county.

"I also brought many relatives, and many neighbors in the neighborhood to watch the adoption ceremony.

"I don't know Wang Tao at all.""

"We were only informed the next day that we had a teenage son."

"Tell me, it's you who are doing this, are you angry, are you helpless? 35

"Fortunately, the adoption ceremony has no legal benefit at all, and most of them (Nord's) can only be regarded as a fool."

"It doesn't work at all, otherwise we wake up from sleep and a son emerges."

"If we have to divide our property, it is estimated that we will be scared to death. Luo

Meng Ting said, her eyes were slanting on the second brother, the sixth, and Yang Huizhen.

There was a mocking look on his face.

At this time, Ye Xuan said: "Prescribing medicine, adopting a son, these things did not have the effect that Yang Huizhen wanted.

"Then...she came up with a killer move!"

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