Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

717: Wang Tao comes on stage, the younger brother and sister are dumbfounded

717: Wang Tao comes on stage, the younger brother and sister are dumbfounded

"Don't come here!

The fourth sister even leaned against the corridor quietly, trying to escape directly.

Embarrassedly, he coughed twice: "Wang Tao, don't get me wrong.

At this moment, Wang Tao's face was as dark as Guotan's, and he said solemnly, "Second brother, who do you think is a vegetable?"

"There is also the seventh, even if he runs away, he can't escape, and if I catch it, I will catch it back!"

Wang Tao's voice was filled with anger that could not be concealed.

"I can hear clearly what you are saying outside! Fan.

Yang Huizhen was stunned from the moment she saw Wang Tao come out.

"Why... why are you suddenly..."

"What's wrong with you, I told you that my elder brother is in a vegetative state."

"I really don't blame me... It's all the second brother's idea, you go to the second brother!

The fourth sister sat on the ground and kept moving backwards on the ground, and the whole person was already frightened.

"Blow up right in front of me?

"It's all my fault now?"

The second brother jumped up and pointed at the third brother, the fourth sister, the fifth and the sixth, and cursed:

"Cut...that's what you said?"

"We saw that you were in a car accident and worried about you, so we came to see you.

The second brother's words were normal, and he stood there, looking at the figure at the door of the ward with the expression of a ghost.

"I tell you, if I get cold, you can't escape!"

"You want to run there? Wasn't it your favorite just now? 99

At this moment, the second brother and the others also felt that they had reacted too, swallowed and looked embarrassed, looking at Yang Huizhen with pleading eyes.

The second brother was so frightened that he kept retreating, and this Wang Tao's fingers were shaking:

"Don't you have any?"

Lao Liu lowered his head and whispered, "Don't blame me, it's all under the orders of the second brother!

The person standing at the door was Wang Tao himself.

"I just met Meng Ting at the door and said a few words."

The fourth sister looked up and saw Wang Tao's gloomy face, and sat down on the ground in fright.

"How is it possible~ come out...

" I still call you mom?

The third brother in the distance was swept away by Wang Tao's sharp eyes, and instantly fainted.

"You are now saying with your conscience, are you really here to visit me?"

" did you wake up???

Wang Tao sneered: "Second brother, third brother, fourth sister, fifth, sixth, I haven't said a word yet.

"What are you doing now?

It was only when the second brother poked her that he reacted.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"


Not only the second brother, everyone else looked horrified when they saw Wang Tao, like seeing a ghost.

Tremblingly, he said, "Brother.... this... don't blame me..."

The aunt snorted coldly, and tugged her hair in the direction of Wang Tao.

Seeing that they didn't say a word, the younger brothers and sisters had already started to panic and blew themselves up.

Lao Wu also nodded his head next to him, just like pounding garlic.

The fourth sister grabbed her hair and screamed in pain: "Hurry up and let go, it hurts to death, let go quickly!

Pointing to the second brother, he said nervously: "It's all done by the second brother, you go to him, not us!

Wang Tao looked at Yang Huizhen at this moment, and his eyes were full of disappointment:



"Am I still your biological son!"

"Didn't you come to rob my property?"

He stared at each other with wide eyes in disbelief.

As a result, the fast-eyed aunt grabbed her hair and pulled it back:

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