Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

591: Raised for more than 10 years, is actually a white eyed wolf

591: Raised for more than ten years, is actually a white-eyed wolf

Hearing what Li Chenglong said, Hu Xiaomeng couldn't help drooling.

Toward Li Chenglong, he said sweetly: "Thank you!

Li Chenglong smiled and waved his hand.

"No need to thank you, I should still let me thank you.

"You really look like my daughter."

"I would also like to thank you for meeting my thoughts about my daughter. 35

At this time, Hu Xiaomeng couldn't help but ask.

"What happened to your daughter?"

Li Chenglong smiled bitterly, his expression was a sadness that could not be concealed.

“My daughter was kidnapped by traffickers at a very young age. 99

"I've been looking for her for 14 years and haven't found her.

"If she were still with me, she would be almost as old as you.

"That's why I said that when I saw you that day, you were very much like my daughter."

"833 can't bear to see you hurt."

"I'm being nice to you now, which is equivalent to being nice to my daughter. 99

"It can ease my longing for my daughter for so many years."5

Li Chenglong himself is elegant and mature.

In the words of Hu Xiaomeng and the others, they are the type of handsome uncles.

Coupled with Li Chenglong's experience, Hu Xiaomeng's goodwill towards him has skyrocketed in his heart.

Can't help but feel a little jealous of his daughter.

I thought bitterly.

It would be great if such a handsome uncle was my father.

I definitely show off to my classmates every day.

With Li Chenglong's comparison. (acej)

Hu Xiaomeng hated Hu Daniu even more.

opposite of this.

Every time after school, I meet Li Chenglong by chance.

Li Chenglong will take him to the playground to play wildly, and go to the dessert shop to choose at will.

There are also many exquisite gifts that Hu Xiaomeng has never seen before.

In those days, Hu Xiaomeng couldn't be happy, and Hu Daniu had already left his family behind.

Every day I think that it would be great if I were Lee Chenglong's daughter.

Just get out of here.

Hu Xiaomeng and Li Chenglong were having dinner in the restaurant that day.

Li Chenglong changed his leisurely and calmness in the past.

His expression was a little nervous.

After struggling for a long time, I took out a report, gritted my teeth and said:

"Xiao Meng, I want to tell you something."

"This matter is very important to you and me. 35

"I got along with you every day during this time.

"I see more and more of my daughter in you.

"Sometimes I even treat you as my daughter."

"So, I secretly took your hair and went to the hospital to do a DNA comparison with me.

"Now the results are in.

"We are a father-daughter relationship."

"You are really my daughter who has been kidnapped for many years!"

"Daughter, my little dream, I really found you."5

"Dad really misses you so much for so many years!

Li Chenglong's face was full of excitement, and his voice was shaking.

And Hu Xiaomeng seemed to be smashed on the head by a huge surprise, and was stunned in place.

Couldn't react for a long time.


"I am really your daughter..."

Looking at Li Chenglong, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Upon seeing this, Li Chenglong directly hugged Hu Xiaomeng tightly.

"Yes, it's true.

"The report is already here."

"You can have a look.

Hu Xiaomeng looked at the 99.9% blood relationship on the report.

Full of excitement.

He turned his head, grabbed Li Chenglong's hand, and said to him:

"Hurry up and take me away.""

"I've had enough of my life now.

"I dream of living like this every day."

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