Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

569: Can fraud be a little new these days?

569: Can fraud be a little new these days?

The man lifted his body and stood up slowly.

Only then did the surrounding people realize that the man had just been pretending to be dead.

This time, the contempt was louder.

The man didn't care, and rolled his eyes at the people around him.

"What's the matter, as long as you have money and life to spend, you'll be fine."

"You don't have to look here if you dislike it. 99

"If you want to be a crowd of onlookers, you should stay safe, don't talk about it here to find a sense of existence."5

"It's just so full, I feel uncomfortable if I don't say a few words."

The man said, and snorted a few times.

The expression is very disdainful.

At this time.

The man suddenly saw Zhang Meng standing at the door, planning to leave quietly.

She shouted, "Zhang Meng, where are you going!"

Zhang Meng was so excited that she turned her head and cast an angry look at the man.

This sand sculpture, what are you doing shouting 833 so loudly?

It's good now, all the attention of the people around is on Zhang Meng again.

The embarrassed Zhang Meng buckled her toes.

I want to find a hole to dig into.

In the end, the two changed places.

Find a quiet cafe.

The man kept staring at Zhang Meng during the whole process.

Obscene look.

Especially after seeing Zhang Meng's brand-name bags and brand-name clothes.

Eyes straightened: "I didn't expect that after we separated. 35

"You're having such a good time.

"Have you found a good match?"

"Introduce me too."

Zhang (acej) Meng looked at the man in front of him, a little speechless.

More than once I wondered how I saw this product in the first place.

"I'll tell you.

"I'm married now.

"What happened before is in the past, it has nothing to do with me now.

"It's just an accident to meet today, don't bother me again in the future! 99

The man whistled a few times: "I didn't expect it. 35

"You can still find a husband, it seems that you are relatively rich. 35

"However, if you don't want me to tell you what happened before, you can."

"As long as you make a small fortune, after all, this money should be nothing to you."

As the man said, he stretched out his two fingers and kept rubbing them together.

Eyes full of greed.

Seeing Zhang Meng dislike it is not good.

But soon, her eyes rolled.

Like thinking of something.

Looking at the man, he smiled and said, "Do you want to make more money?

"I'm going to make a big deal now.

"If you follow me, the guarantee starts at a million!"

"Can't come!"

"That sentence sounds familiar to you. 95

"Isn't this what I just said, and then I was caught by the strong man."

"Really remember to eat but not to fight. After the scar is healed, the pain is forgotten, and now it's a big one."

"I'm ready to see how you all die.

Listening to Zhang Meng's words, the audience in the live broadcast room simply didn't believe that their intelligence quotient could make anything big.

At this time, in the picture of the red dust beads.

As soon as the man saw this expression, he couldn't control the chills down his spine.

It was Zhang Meng's expression that made him stay in the strong man's hands for three years before running away.

At this moment, it was like this again.

However, men are also typical remember eating but not beating.

Zhang Meng was soon persuaded.

The two hit it off.

He kept thinking about how to kill Lao Li.

"If you want me to say it, just poison it. 55

Zhang Meng rolled his eyes: "Do you think I haven't thought about it?

"Poisoning is too easy to spot!

The man lowered his head and continued to think:

"I know, just say I kidnapped you!"

"Ask him to take money to redeem you!

"Then when he comes, lock him up and let the dog go!"

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