Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

537: This kind of sand sculpture, let's just give up

537: This kind of sand sculpture, let's just give up

"Sand sculpture! 35

"This is a fool!

"Hurry up and throw this sand sculpture out.

"Master Ye, don't explain it, just let him fend for himself."

"Yes, this kind of sand sculpture doesn't make sense, and what he does in the future has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, it has nothing to do with us when he was finally killed by his wife, just leave it alone.

"Hurry up and hang up, I can't wait to tell my fortune, this kind of person who doesn't believe in Master Ye, what do you do for him.

Seeing that Lao Li was still defending his wife.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore, and they all begged Ye Xuan to leave it alone.

Looking at the barrage, Lao Li was also afraid that Master Ye would ignore him.

He explained softly:

02 "I really don't believe Master Ye."

"When I was so old, I could find such a good-looking wife."

"Everyone around me is envious of me."

"Tell me if I did something good in my last life."

"To have such a good wife."

"In case I misunderstand her this time, she gets angry and wants to divorce me.

"You said that I would lose more than the gains...  

Ye Xuan was helpless at this moment.

Looking at Lao Li is really pitiful and disgusting.

Shaking his head with a sigh, he finally decided to help again.

Said, "Your wife is about to say that she and her sisters are going out shopping."

"Before leaving, I will remind you not to enter the kitchen."

As soon as the voice fell, the delicate female voice sounded again.

"Old Li~"

"My sister told me to go out~"

"I'm going shopping now~"

"You are fine at home~"

"But remember not to go into the kitchen~"


Old Li's tone was a little low.

But the anxious wife who went out shopping didn't hear it.

Before every time his wife reminded him not to go into the kitchen.

She will be very happy, thinking that her wife cares about her.

But now after being reminded by Ye Xuan.

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

It's more like the kitchen has oddities and is afraid of being discovered by myself.

So keep reminding.

"Master Ye, there shouldn't be anything in the kitchen.

Lao Li asked, at this moment he is also a little unconfident.

Ye Xuan deliberately made a surprised expression.

"I didn't expect you to be so stupid.

"You guessed it right, you go under the kitchen cabinet now.

"There is a book, you can find out if you take it out and look at it."

Old Li responded quietly and went to the kitchen quietly.

Although this is his home, it has been since his marriage.

The kitchen is never inside.

What's more, every time my wife goes out, the kitchen door is closed.

He never opened it either.

So he has no idea what the kitchen looks like now.

Standing at the door, Lao Li held the handle in his hand.

The heartbeat can't work.

I always feel that now I am not only entering a kitchen in 817, but that I have been derailed and found out.

As soon as the door was opened, a stench came out.

It was so smoked that Lao Li couldn't open his eyes.

Cover your mouth and keep retching:


Covering his nose and squinting his eyes, he could see the situation in the kitchen clearly.

Meat residue, dirty things, all stuck on the chopping board.

There are also maggots squirming in the gap.

The sink was full of unwashed pots and pans, and the oil stains floating on it had grown green hairs.

The cooktop was even more messy, with minced meat and moldy bones.

Food scraps, rubbish, piled up the whole cooktop.

That stench comes from here.

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