526: Action Live, Hundred People Battle

A bald and greasy middle-aged man opened the door and welcomed Zhang Yue in.

The large number 1 is displayed on it.

"This live broadcast is over! 35

It was this live broadcast.

"Shit, have you started yet?

The strong men responded and began to undress.

But it was stimulated by Ye "803" Xuan's words.

Just waiting for the live broadcast.

Zhang Yue was standing in front of the gate of a hotel.

"If you don't believe me, take a look."

"Is it really a live broadcast?"

"It's really hard money. 35

Go up the stairs and knock on the door.

Seeing that her mother became suspicious, Zhang Yue quickly explained:

"It's just a battle of hundreds.

"Do you know what this stand is for?"

"Pfft, hahaha. Year

"Okay, let's start live streaming.

"Master Ye, what about the trust between people?"

I saw the middle-aged man pick up the camera, turn on the light, and adjust the angle to aim at Zhang Yue.

The voice just fell.

Each of them drooped their heads, as if they had been hollowed out.

"It's hard, it's hard, what is it, I'm fighting!

"Three hundred at a time, to make half a million, this is a lot of work.

Shout out to the strong men:

Seeing that Zhang Yue really started the live broadcast.

Zhang Yue nodded: "Okay.

There were even a few strong men carrying Brother Wei with them.

"My little bench is ready.""


"I would never do such a thing."

"I'm going, I'm going!

"Master Ye, I have everything ready, just show me this?

"Master Ye, for my trust in you, you really hurt my heart too much."

Watching Zhang Yue walk into the hotel room, the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room lit up.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't laugh.

I saw the middle-aged man pick up an electronic stand.

And Mother Zhang, who had just stopped slapping herself.

"Don't listen to this man's nonsense!"

Ye Xuan smiled and pointed to the electronic stand in the screen.

However, some viewers also accused Ye Xuan of talking big. There are only a few people, so how can it be called a battle of a hundred people.

The audience expressed their incomprehension.

"What is this for??"

"It really made me laugh to death, as expected, even if the lights are turned off, this look can also be done.

"what's the situation?"

"Fuck, one woman fights ten men?"

"To be beautiful!

Ye Xuan chuckled: "It is indeed a live broadcast. 55

After watching this picture, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately understood.

The voice just fell.

"Good guy, it's a pity that I called all our dormitory girls over, but you told me it was a real live broadcast???"

"666, so capable, not afraid of overdraft!""

Shaking, not being beaten by himself.

"My tissue is ready!

"It turned out to be a live broadcast, but an action live broadcast! 35

"It's earned from live broadcasts."

"Didn't you say that you earned the money from live streaming?"

After struggling for a long time, he finally gritted his teeth and walked in slowly.

"My melon seeds are ready."

"You're wrong upstairs!"

As he spoke, he tapped his fingertips, and the picture in the red dust beads changed.

"All cheer up!"

More than a dozen muscular men walked into the picture one after another.


"Yes, this is a battle with ten people at most, and a hundred people are far worse.

"Are you ready?"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, it will start immediately.."

Then a group of strong men surrounded Zhang Yue.

"To look good!

"No 4.9 is right, there are only a few people, how can it be regarded as a battle of a hundred people.

However, the picture they imagined did not appear.

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