Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

514: Where does this sand sculpture's confidence come from?

514: Where does this sand sculpture's confidence come from?

Yao Peng waved his hand: "No talk!"

"What do you think of me, just apologize?"

"I have to get a divorce today, there is no discussion.

At this moment, the people present exclaimed.

I saw Mother Zhang rushing in front of Yao Peng, grabbed the opponent's collar, and had a grim expression:

"My daughter has apologized to you, what else do you want?

"Do we have to let us lose our face here to feel at ease?

"Is there anything I can't go back to, so I'll stay at home and talk about it?

Saying that, the jet-black nails wanted to dig Yao Peng's face.

Before he could get close, he was pushed away by Yao Peng's parents who rushed over.

Take a few steps back. 803

"Ouch" sounded.

fell to the ground.

Yao Peng's neck was pinched with bruises, and his mother looked distressed.

He turned his head and stared fiercely at Mother Zhang, who was slumped on the ground:

"Your daughter cheated on herself first. 35

"She lost her face all by herself, and it has nothing to do with us.

Seeing that Mother Zhang wanted to come over, Yao Peng's father hurriedly stood in the middle.

This is, Zhang Yue said:

"Mom, forget it, Yao Peng wants him to leave if he wants to get a divorce.

As soon as these words came out, Mother Zhang frowned and shouted, "Yueyue?

And Yao Pengzheng looked at Zhang Yue with a serious expression.

He didn't believe that Zhang Yue could agree to divorce so readily.

as predicted.

Zhang Yue went on to say:

"If you want to get a divorce, you can, but half of your house will be divided with me.

"That's our common property, if you don't divide me, don't even think about getting a divorce!"

Mother Zhang turned her face faster than a book, and happily responded beside her:

"Yes, the house must be divided.

"Otherwise, don't even think about getting a divorce!

Without waiting for Yao Peng's answer, the audience in the live broadcast room became very angry:

"Where did this sand sculpture come from."

"Why is this sand sculpture so confident?"

"I cheated and still want a house, it's beautiful!

"The key point is that this house is pre-marital property, even if she doesn't cheat, it won't be her turn!"9

"Hurry up and drive these two sand sculptures away, I'm tired of watching."

The audience watching the live broadcast kept complaining.

They all shouted to drive away Zhang Yue and his (acej) quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan sighed and said slowly:

"It did go away at the time.

"But Zhang Yue and the others are like dog-skin plaster, their ghosts linger."

"As long as Yao Peng doesn't agree to give them half the floor, he doesn't agree to divorce.

"Since then, no matter what Yao Peng does, he can see them, and he even knows that the company is in trouble.

Saying that, he pointed to the red dust beads in his hand.

next moment.

The screen in the red dust beads rotates.

on the screen.

Yao Peng is having a meeting in the company.

And Zhang Yue and her daughter rushed into the conference room despite the security's blocking.

Ignoring the circled colleagues, Mother Zhang pointed at Yao Peng's nose and started scolding.

"You have harmed our family so badly, yet you still have the face to work here.

"I tell you, our family is not easy, and you can't think about it yourself.""

Mother Zhang shouted and slapped the conference table with her hands.

Colleagues next to me are scared to retreat.

Hide far away, not daring to approach this shrew at all.

The leader watched the two jumping up and down in the conference room, frowning and shouting angrily:

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Seeing this, Mother Zhang rushed directly to the leader.

"You are the leader of the company, aren't you?"

"Don't your company recruit people to look at his character?

"it's him."

Said and pointed to Yao Peng: "As a manager of your company. 39

"Have an affair, and I will always give up on my daughter."

"You still haven't fired him?"

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